chapter 5

497 14 2

Third-person point of view.


"No matter what I do you're always one step ahead of me, how?" Panting on the floor the young girl looked at the blue-eyed boy in front of her. He was standing there looking at her. He slowly extended his hand to help her up and she gladly accepted it.

"Well Y/n, it's simply because I'm the strongest!" He cheerfully said.

It had been exactly five years since the two of them met with Y/n now being 14 and Gojo 15. Not much changed over the past years, the two of them would meet on their free time at the forest. Like always they would sit down and chat until it was late and they had to depart.

Otherwise Y/n would train while Gojo would do things she was not  aware of but she did know that he also trained as they would often also train together.

She could not help but notice that every time the two of them fought Gojo would get stronger and stronger. She always wondered how but never asked him about it.

Today, it was different though.

While she took the courage to ask him how and he gave her back an answer, he was not at his strongest today. Normally he would do anything possible to flex his strength but today even though he beat her he was not any stronger than the other days.  The only possibility answer that she could think of this was that something was bothering him.

Over the years she grew familiar with him and even called him her best friend as she only had him left and master Ren now, they were her only family. She knew that he was not one to open up about his problem and she never pushed him to tell her anything but the look on his face made her heart break. He was frowning the whole time, every time she would look at his face though his smile would return.

"Satoru, come let's take a break." She still help onto the hand that he pulled her up with and pulled him towards the bridge where the two of them liked to sit. Once they made themselves comfortable they looked each other in the eyes, softly smiling at each other as their hands stayed one on top of the other.

She could still remember when he was so cold towards her. She would have to hold conversations all the time, it almost felt as she was talking to a wall but he would make some remarks, most of them being mean or just straight up rude but she still found them funny. Now though, he would talk so much his mouth wouldn't shut. It almost gave her  a headache but he did have a nice voice so she could bare it.

"Is there something bothering you?" She said softly, almost like a mother talking to her little child. His hand tighten in hers but did not say anything.

"Nope! Actually I found out that someone ate my favourite dessert buy I'm not sure who. When I get home I will have to look at that and figure out who it was. You know how grumpy I can get when I have nothing sweet to eat." He dramatically threw his hands round as he bubbled on about the situation. He almost looked happy about it but he was sad. He almost looked like he could not wait to find out who stole his dessert.

"You sure that's all?"

"Positive!" He threw an arm around her, his other hand reached over to his face adjusting his glasses before resting his head on her shoulder.

"Isn't that a very nice view?" He said, almost sleepy.

"That's the same view we have been looking at everyday for the past five years." She brought her hand up, resting it on his head as she slowly massaged his head. He looked very pleased by it and did not move away but looking at the time she knew it was getting late.

"Satoru, its getting late we should get going soon." She removed her hand from his head and got up. He pouted in protest but still got up from the floor.

She began to walk ahead of him but he stopped her and pulled her closer to him.

"What's wrong with you today? Are you on drugs?" She left his arms around her tighten as he pressed his cheek against hers.

"Not really, I just realised how much I appreciate you and how happy I am not being able to call you my best friend." He pulled away from her slightly, the smile on both of their faces grew.

Within sharing another word, he brought her in closer. Their lips were so close to be touching, her heart speed rate started to increase as her hands around him tighten and his hands moved lower her back. She closed her eyes right when their lips touched. He kisses her hungrily as there was no tomorrow, his hands wondered around her body as she made no move to do the same, maybe it was because she was feeling shy or shocked.

In a matter or second he stopped, his faced moved further away from hers and gave her the biggest smile ever.

"Well, see you, Y/n." He stole a quick kiss from her lips and wandered away while humming a tune.

Her on the other hand, she was shocked. She felt happiness and admiration for the boy. She felt so many feelings she had thought she had left in the past. They just resurfaced after so long that she didn't know how to feel.

Letting out  a giggle, she, too, started walking towards her own house.

She knew the moment she entered master Ren would make her train for hours straight as she missed out on her training to stay with Satoru longer.

"What a pain in the ass that man is."


{Not edited}


Anomaly || Gojo x reader ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon