chapter 6

440 12 3

Third-person point of view.


"Ah! I'm dying give me a break..." The girl laid on the floor, her arms and legs stretched in a starfish position. The whole day went by quite quickly, most of the time she would just complain while Master Ren would calmly sip his tea or beat her in a fight.

That's how it always was and she could not picture it otherwise.

"Hey." The girl paused she pushed herself onto her butt, seeing that she had her teacher's attention she continued. "That day that you found me, did you happen to see anyone else there?" He looked at her in a thing manner while placing the tea on the table. He did not take very long before answering.

"I did not see anyone else other then yourself. You were unconscious on the floor when I came to you." She studied his facial expressions in fine detail but she did not see a change from his neutral resting face. She let out a sigh before getting up from the floor. She could not wait to see her best friend again even though she saw him yesterday she could not contain the excitement.

"Alright, thank you, Master Ren." She was hoping to get some information about her parents but luck was not on her side, it never seem to be.

She quickly pushed the door and moved outside the house. She was thinking about a topic to talk with Satoru, maybe she could ask him to go flower picking together or maybe star gazing. In the book she was reading the male lead asked his love interest to do those cute things with him. While the two of them were not  a couple or anything the activities could still be done.

Star gazing must be fun and she could not think of a better person other than Satoru to do that with. Not like she had anyone else anyway, he was her only option.

Normally, after walking this far into the forest she would see the familiar boy sitting down or just chilling next to a tree, so she was surprised when she didn't. Her mind automatically came up with the conclusion that he was waiting for her by the bridge. She immediately started happily walking towards it, seeing her best friend made her happy no matter what.

That's why she felt a bit confused when he wasn't there.

Maybe he could not make it today. He was a busy man, yes that must be it. Of course he would miss a day or two he is a human after all.

She did not think anything bad about it, she sat down to enjoy the view. Even though she saw it everyday, she still found it beautiful. It was very peaceful in the forest, the lake under her moved slowly in a graceful manner. The flowers and trees surrounding the areas gently moved with the breeze and the bird chirped away as the flew around.

She always liked birds, those animals were always so free they looked so unbothered flying around. It was not as if she did not have any freedom, but something inside her guts told her that she thought wrong. Maybe it was because the past would always hunt her, even though she did nothing wrong...did she do anything wrong? She never stopped to think, she could not think.

Sometimes for her it felt as if she did not have a mind of her own, almost as if she was watching a movie and all she had to do was follow it without a saying.

All this thinking was pointless anyway, it is not like she would act upon her thoughts. People say that actions speak louder than words but she could not even get the words out.

One day without Satoru and this is what happens.

She got up. It would be better to head home, it did not seem like he would come anytime soon.





"Well done, kid." He patted her head, it was something he would do when she did anything to impress him which wasn't very often. Her teacher was one of the best, he was old in her opinion but he never failed to surprise her.

"Thank you, Master Ren." He waved her off when she turned her back on him. Once she put her shoes on and left the house she was surrounded by the familiar forest again.

The forest was the same as usual but where was he?

It had been a week and no sign of him. Now, she was worried about him. Her thoughts were filled with him. What was wrong? Where was he?

At this point she almost begun to doubt herself, that he wasn't real. He was a part of her imagination, but she knew better than to make a fool of herself like that. She wasn't confided in herself but to be so upset that she would make up things? Never.

She didn't cope well with sadness, it was something she usually felt but why was it so hard this time. Was it because he was her best friend? Or because of those feelings she buried deep down in her heart. Her love for him was to infinity not only romantically but also as a friend and family.

She was upset about it but maybe there is a chance he will come back and of he doesn't she won't so anything to change that. She is going to keep waiting for her miserable life to be over just like she always did.

Maybe as the days go by she will grow older and be able to appreciate herself more.

She may also be able to do what she wants without feeling like she did something wrong.

Maybe someday like the birds in the sky she will find the freedom that she seeks for.


{Not edited}

{As always thank you for all the  votes and deciding to reading my story!😁}


Anomaly || Gojo x reader ||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora