chapter 7

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Third-person point of view.



Was it that she wanted for them to be quiet, or were they already quiet?

The confusion consumed her; every time she would go to sleep she would hear the same dark deep voice talking to her. It was like it was beginning for freedom, it kind of reminded her of herself, which made her think it was a way for her brain to cooperate with her loneliest.

That was until today, today a Friday night. It was three in the morning everything was silent. Every night she would hear that voice crying and beginning like it was trying to lure her towards itself. The difference was the voice was different this time. It was soft and sweet it reminded her of a voice she could not pinpoint but deep down she was very familiar with.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n..." The voice repeated again and again trying to get her to respond, but of course it did not get an answer.

She was getting fed up by this point. She could not sleep at night because of her thoughts but also because of this agitating voice. She debated whether she should reply or not, but she had seen those protagonists in horror dying after interacting with their weird ghost killers so she went against it.

"Y/n , Y/n, Y/n..."

Why was it so desperate for her attention? She understood that she was cool but she did not really believe a creepy ghost would think she was cool.

Maybe she had schizophrenia.

She quickly put those thoughts aside as she felt her eyelids getting heavier and in no time, she was asleep.


"You're looking a bit more nasty today." Master Ren said after their training. She understood that his words meant no offense but she was still offended.

"I'm alright Master Ren. Thank you for your concern." Her attention and his went back to the tea cup filled with hot tea.

"You're pathetic." He said rather loudly, his voice almost making her shake.

"Excuse me?" That was very random and unexpected. The guy would often offend her for nothing when she only showed kindness and respect to him.

"You heard me, Y/n."

Still speechless she did not mutter a word, her mouth slightly patterned but at the lack of response the man further elaborated.

"I remember when you were younger, you were dear friends with the Gojo kid." She was even more shocked now. Why did he bring up Satoru?

"The earth is one with me, as long as you are stepping on it I can feel it, as long as you're feeling emotions I can sense them. Nothing can escape me Y/n." She understood were this was going.

"You felt great happiness around him, I felt the way your heart beat when you were near him, the way you run to him. Was that the most of freedom you have felt, is that what you're seeking?" The girl with nothing to say nodded. What was she supposed to say when he was reading her like an open book.

"He used you. He never felt the same way around you Y/n. The only thing I felt from that man was great trouble only selfishness."

"What does this have to do with anything." She was relaxed, trying not to give her emotions away but she knew he could sense her anger.

"Do you not want him to pay back for the pain he brought to your soul?" He leaned forward, smiling as always with his eyes closed. She managed to see the grip on his tea cup tighten.

"I do." She did not know how to feel, her soul was pure but over time people can change. She did not consider herself the same little happy girl that she once used to be, if she ever was happy in the first place.

"Great, tomorrow we will make our first appearance. we are going to be on top: no more pain, no more sadness and grief!" He got up and with a loud laugh left the room.

He had achieved what he wanted to do and it was easier than he expected. That little troublesome Gojo was more useful than he thought of, just a mention of his name and she was already fouled.

Y/n felt conflicted by everything. Ever since that night, she couldn't get some relaxing time for herself. God this world was hating on her more by the day.

She looked down at her hand, was she ready? Was she powerful enough?

Maybe she was not the strongest but she did belive she wad strong enough. Overtime with the little knowledge she had of cursed energy she managed to make most of it. Master Ren said he would tell her all about it when the time was right and she was pretty sure that time was coming soon.

She did not know her technique yet but she sure as hell could not wait to see it.

With a sigh she also got up. She was going to get her weapon which Master Ren had given to her previously.

She opened the brown door and slowly closed it behind her, she walked towards her bedroom, he footsteps as silent as they can get. Once she was infront of her door she opened and closed it once she was inside, her bedroom was very plain containing only some posters on the walls from her favourite singers and movies and some other little random decorations.

She moved towards her closet and opened it, her gaze fell down on the bottom which was where she kept her katana. It was covered with clothes she did not liked so it was pretty secured in her opinion, maybe not but whatever.

She pushed the clothes away and lifted the case where it was kept. She sat down on her bed and opened it. She lifted it up, the light reflecting on it leaving her in a awe as she looked at it.

She brought it closer to examine it. The f/c katana sat comfortably at her hands which told her all she wanted to know.

She was ready for this.


《Not edited》

《As always hope you enjoyed the chapter! You will be getting some action in the next one hopefully.》


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