Chapter 1

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Third-person point of view.


The fog took over the night.

Looking up at the raining sky the man pulled the umbrella over his and the woman's head. The rain poured down softly as the two adults and the child in the woman's arms walked on the streets.

"I can't believe my little angel is 9 today." The man wrapped his free arms around the woman, pulling her closer and kissing the child on the head.

"Of course, what did you expect for her to be a baby forever. She isn't even that old!" The woman nagged as the man started heartedly laughing. The child in her arms slowly opened her eyes before closing them again.

"You almost woke her up!" The woman whispered yelled.

"Ehh! Don't blame me, it's not my fault." The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, they didn't want to risk waking up the child again.

"We should get home quickly, it's already darkened and with the increase of crime rate in the area it's not safe." The man said, he was already planning on bringing up the idea on moving away but he could never find the right moment to recommend it.

"I do agree with you darling, it's already very creepy here. I've been able to hear footsteps for the past 5 minutes." The man's face went pale to the very lips as he heared those words from his wife's mouth. His head twisted toward her and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"You said what now?" He mumbled, his grip on the umbrella tightened.

"I said that I've been able to hear footsteps but don't worry I'm sure it's nothing dangerous." The woman looked behind them she stared for a bit before looking ahead once again. The man also turned his head but he wasn't able to see anything.

"Maybe it was just my imagination." The woman told the man, trying to calm him down as he physically looked terrified. He was bitting onto his nails and his eyes frantically moved around the place.

"Haha, yeah let's get going."

With five minutes of silently walking the woman stopped, the grip on her daughter tightened as she let out a sigh.

Right behind her came a creature. You could say it was about three meters tall it was built like a human but it's limbs were long and its figure was covered in a black darkness. There was  a thick fog around it, a fog so mesmerizing it could almost lure you into it. It only reached its upper body, its head was the most visible and noticeable thing of that monster. There was  a goat skull, it was as white as it could get, the only thing that stood out were its shiny red eyes.

The woman walked backwards as the fog slowly crawled towards her. Her breathing started to rapidly increase as her eyes became more and more dull by ever second. She turned her head behind her, maybe if she could distract the curse her husband and little girl could escape unharmed but what she saw behind her shocked her.

Her husband was nowhere to be seen, her eyes widen, her lips parted, her ears started ringing. She couldn't believe this, her husband was gone and she was about to be next.

She turned around and dashed towards an dark alley, the monster behind her made no move which gave her an advantage.

She was just a maid, she did not know how to use her curse energy only things she knew were the basics that she had heard from the left and right. She could prevent the curse for a bit but she could not defeat it. She thought that her curse technique was one of the kind but without using it once in her life, it was useless.

The fog around her seemed to be followings her whenever she went the fog made her feel the presence of the curse, maybe it could teleport with the fog?

A medium sized sphere came towards her, it was covered in black but had  a dark red colour in the middle of it. It also had small particles flying around the sphere, it was so beautiful but the danger that the beauty uphold was surprising.

It moved so quickly, no one could predict its next movement.

At first she didn't feel it but the cries of her daughter made her come back to reality.

She was on the floor, her body shielding her little girl as there was a  giant bloody hole in her stomach.

She let out a grant and she sat on her knees, using her arms as a support.

"Mommy!" The young girl once again cried out.

The mother looked at the child behind her before looking infront of her once again. There stood the same monster as before, the fog was now hitting her legs almost surrounding her whole body but it seemed like it didn't want to go any further from her. The good thing was it wasn't touching her daughter.

"You won't survive long." A well smooth voice came out of the monster, surprisingly calming to listen to.

"I understand that. That's why I need to bring you to an end." The woman opened her mouth and the words that came out of it were some that can not be understood. It was almost as it was in another language.

The next thing that was seen was a bright light. Out of the ground came long thick pillars with fancy designs on top of them. They were sculptures but what exactly can not be said maybe they were angels or maybe demons.

The monster tilted its head on one side as it was locked in the pillar cage.

"I do not think you understand what will happen once this is completed." Once again the calming voice was heared.

"You will die." The woman firmly said, her arm was around her stomach trying to put pressure to stop the blood.

"Someone from the L/n clan will have to use their body as my cage. I will be transferred into them, but the thing is you two are the last ones of the clan." Without anymore words being said the woman's eyes widen. Maybe she acted without thinking about the consequences.

"W...what?" The monster let out a laugh as the woman's vision became more and more blurry by the every second.

" There is no time to waste." She  mumbled before repeating those same weird words also adding new ones at the end.

With the fog slowly fading while the pillars brought the monster underground the scream of a child could be heard. The scream was one of pain and horror, the scream was one which could hunt someone's dreams for the rest of their lives.

The scream was the last thing to be heard before everything went into blackness.


《Not edited.》


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