chapter 4

549 15 3

Third-person point of view.


"You have to keep pushing harder than that if you want to get stronger you know." Ren put his arm down as he block another one of her kicks, while Y/n was getting stronger by the day Ren wanted her to be even stronger. Knowing about Gojo Satoru and his power level it would take a lot to defeat him in the future.

"It's not like I want to be stronger." The girl mumbled under her breath ready to attack the man before he stopped her.

"Alright Y/n, you deserve to take a small break. I'm going to drink some tea." Without waiting for a reply the man walked inside. Y/n looked at the spot where he once stood before going inside. Why was that man so desperate on her becoming stronger. Did he want to share his teachers before dying? He did  look old after all.

The girl looked back at the building before walking away. She really wanted to meet that boy again, he looked very nice and considering she hasn't seen him in two days maybe he has more to talk about this time. It has probably been about two weeks since she moved with her teacher and it hasn't been bad at all. He treated her nicely and taught her how to fight, seems pretty cool to her.

Before she could realise where she was, she saw a shadow in front of her. She did not bother getting in an defensive position as the young boy made his appearance in front of her.

"Hey, it's you again." He put his hand in his pocket, this encounter felt the same as their last one. His eyes very still as cool as the last time, his was once again held zero emotions.

"Hi, it's nice seeing you again, Gojo." The girl smiled as the two of them started to walk towards the same direction as last time. The girl had taken a liking towards that bridge, if they met again after this she would make  it their hanging out spot.

"I was just curious, what are you doing in the forest all alone?" The girl turned her head towards him, his focus was on the fish swimming in the water.

"Aren't you a curious one? I live close by and I come here in my free time even though I'm not allowed."

"You aren't allowed? Aren't your parents worried about you?" He turned his head towards her but did not say anything. As he was debating with himself if he should answer or not he finally made the decision and replied.

"My parents are busy most of the time, I don't see them at all to tell you the truth. I spent most of my time with my trainers and clan leaders." The boy truthfully replied, he did not feel good about opening up but he also did not feel bad about it. She was just some random girl in the woods anyway, maybe he was going to use her as a therapist to talk about his problems or maybe she could be his first friend.

"Oh, I apologize for asking. It must be lonely to not have your parents." The girl knew the feeling  of loneliness quite too well but she decided it was not time to open up about her own problems.

"No, I don't care about them." The boy truthfully answered. By the look in his eyes she could tell he was not hiding anything. He really did not like his parents. She decided to maybe change the topic to lighten up the mood.

"Aha, I see. I have a question Gojo. What do you usually do in your free time." Maybe she could get an idea or two of what to do in her free time by him since when she wasn't training or drinking tea she did not have anything else to do, it was quite repetitive making it a bit boring.

"I train most of the day, otherwise I eat sweets or walk around the forest." The girl looked at him with her mouth slightly open, that was not very useful now was it. What caught her attention once again was that he brought up the fact that he was training.

"Gojo, you also train? Wow! That's actually so cool we can train together!" She smiled as she brought her fist up. She could probably learn a thing or two from him and maybe she could also teach him something.

"Oh, you also train? That's cool and sure we can both train sometime. It's going to be childs play for me you know since I'm the strongest!" His voice was slightly raised with cheerfulness at the end. He was not against the idea of them fighting, it would be a good time for him to show off his skills.

"Awesome! We should get going now though it's getting late." She got up and extended her hand towards him to take so she could lift him but he refused and lifted himself up from the ground she felt slightly embarrassed by the rejection but ignored it.

"Bye bye Gojo!" She waved her hand as she turned around. Before she could take another step she was stopped by his voice.

"You can call me Satoru and I will call you Y/n. Since we are of the same age it would be better if we called each other by our first names." He turned around leaving not even waiting for her reply.

"What's up with them leaving before I can even reply." She shoved her hands back in her pockets, it was started to get a bit colder.

Maybe when she would get back home she would try some tea or train even harder so when her and Satoru fought together she would wipe the floor with him.

She couldn't help put let a smirk creep on her face as she thought of all the ways she could make Satoru cry on the floor for mercy.


{Not edited}

{Gojo starting to approach Y/n even more, maybe it's a bit too quick but we don't have all day 🙄. As always I hope you enjoyed}


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