chapter 3

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Third-person point of view.


"Wow, master Ren! That's so cool!" It had been exactly a week since Ren had taken in Y/n. Most of their time was spent training since the older man did not have any other activities than drinking, eat and fighting. The same could be said about the young woman, every day she would try mimicking her teacher's behavior.

Not too long ago she saw him defeating a horrible-looking creature and ever since she has been fascinated by his skill. He would always have a black katana attached to his hip and she couldn't help but gush over it. The red and silver details on it made her love it even more. There were just silver and red lines going along the katana.

"Don't worry, young one! I will make you as great as me." The man praised the abilities of the young girl before entering his house from the backyard. The girl stayed down, looking at the tree in front of her. The backyard of the large estate was literally a forest. Even since she came to this house, she hasn't left it, so it wouldn't be bad if she left for a bit, would it?

She pushes herself upwards with all of her might and started walking toward the forest, she really liked the greenery and since she lived in the city with her parents it's not something she often got to admire. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't wait to see her parents again!

Once she sees them, she will show off all of her skills and then keep them safe from any possible danger that might come their way, just like that night when master Ren took her in.

Her legs wandered immensely into the forest. She did not know how long she was walking for, but the view and the nature around her kept getting prettier and better.

She heard a small shuffle infront of her right from the bushes, she immediately put her hands in front of her just as her teacher showed her to protect herself but what she saw was just a young boy. He almost looked her age but a bit older. Maybe it was because of his height as it was a bit larger than kids of that age. His eyes were beautiful she was mesmerised by them the light blue colour made her feel as if she was flying in the sky but the look behind them wasn't as friendly, he looked as if he was already judging her whole existence or he was just curious about her.

"..." The two children didn't share any words between them as they stood in front of each other. They just kept eye contact. She started to feel awkward as she opened her mouth but closed it again right after. She felt like a fish.

"Who are you?" The young boy in front of her kept his cold but curious stare as he put his hands in his pockets. The girl did not hesitate to answer as her voice came out loud and confident.

"I'm Y/n L/n, it's great to meet you!" The girl did not ask his name in return because she expected him to introduce himself anyway.

"What are you doing in the forest all alone? Are you lost?" But he is also in the forest alone, she thought as she fiddled with her hands behind her back.

"I was getting bored, so I decided to wander around for a bit."The girl answered his question truthfully. She didn't see a reason to why she should lie.

"What about you? what's your name, and why are you walking around the forest all alone?" She curiously asked as she took a step forward. He did not feel threatened by her either, so he decided to answer honestly, for the most part.

"My name is Gojo Satoru, I usually come around him in my free time." The child once again did not have much to say. His personality was quite cold and distant, but maybe it was because she was a stranger he met in the woods. She couldn't help but feel great full for him even talking to her, if she was stuck with that old man for any longer she would turn into a miniature of him, not like she would really mind it.

"That sounds lovely, Gojo. This place is indeed very nice to talk walks around-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted. "Okay, I get it. You sure talk a lot."

The boy started to move towards his right, and she wasn't really sure if she should let him go or beat him up for saying that she talks a lot or just return home. But when he turned his head back to look at her, that was the confirmation she took that she should follow him.

On their walk, there wasn't much talking going on, so she decided to enjoy the greenery. The boy looked to be doing the same but his eyes were mostly stuck forward, he didn't really turned his head a lot to look at her, maybe he knew that she was behind him due to her footsteps.

The two of them ended up infront of a larg lake, there was a small bridge which didn't really lead you to anywhere but it was nice to sit at the edge of it and look down at the water, and that's exactly what they did.

"So Gojo was it, is your hair naturally like that, or did you paint it." He looked at her. The look on his face was very judgemental, but he still answered her question.

"It's natural, I was born with it. Do you really ask people random questions like that?" The girl gave him a nod and a smile before getting on her feet.

"It was nice meeting you, but I should get going." She turned around, ready to leave before he called her name.

"If you want to meet again, you know where to find me." The girl gave him a smile, and he returned it back before she started running towards her new home.

Her teacher was going to kill her if he saw for how long she was gone.


{Not edited}

{Gojo may be a bit cold now but he will warm up in the next chapters, sorry if he is out of character but he will be to his cheerful self soon!}


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