chapter 9

389 7 3

Third-person point of view.


"So, this is the school." She mumbled to herself, master Ren was nowhere to be seen.

Y/n stood on the edge of the rooftop, she was looking down at the school gate, waiting for anything to happen.

Boredom was getting to her; she thought she would be getting some action but it has been two hours and no sign of life even with the curses roaming free.

She looked at her watch, it was 6am. Maybe the curses hadn't created enough noise to notify anyone but it was all right, someone should enter the school anytime soon.

She felt just like a pirate, weird thing to think of. She put her hands in front of her face in a circle making them a telescope and looking around.

That's when she saw.

A woman.

She guessed it was the principal of the school, middle aged, glasses and very moody.

"Ugh, probably not a sorcerer." She mumbled out while getting down so she wouldn't be seen by the moody adult. She gripped the katana attached to her hip and she crouched down.

And so another hour passed, she almost fell asleep but she knew if she did master Ren would had her dead. She tossed around one of her rings out of boredom.

"Ugh!!" She got up, she knew it was stupid but this was boring.

She jumped down from the back of building, after making sure it was clear, and walked towards the entrance. And once she got inside, she seemed to notice that it was getting crowded. It was full of kids and their teachers, some of them giving her smiles which she returned for no apparent reason.

"Principal's office...principal's office? Yes, principals office." She once again mumbled, getting some weird stares from kids walking around her but she was mostly ignored.

Once she was right infront of the door she lifted her hand up, she put it into a fist and knocked on the door three times all the knocks were a different sound she was trying to make a melody with it-okay now she was playing around too much.

After she heard the 'come in' she gently opened the door with a mischievous smile. She had it all planned in her brain, hopefully it would go as she wanted.

"That's an unfamiliar face but it's great to see you miss..." She trailed off expecting Y/n to tell her her surname.

"L/n." Shit what, why did she say her actual surname? Would it effect her in any way in the future? Probably not, everyone here would probably die from the curse attack.

"Miss L/n, take a sit, how can I help you?"

"More like 'who is going to help me'?" The woman gave her a confused look, her eyebrow lifted and her nose scrunched causing her glasses to lift up. She opened her mouth to say something but soon stopped. Her hands in front of her were holding onto each other, she almost looked as she was praying, Y/n could see her knuckles turning white from the pressure she was putting.

The atmosphere was once warm and welcoming, but not it was just a memory. The room has a sharp and cold aura to it. It was probably caused by the three-headed monster behind her. It's cool breath touched her neck, making her shiver the old woman's eyes were wide open, almost as if they could pop out of her head.

Y/n could almost laugh at the woman, but she also felt pity. She gripped the katana just in case the curse tried to attack her, but it didn't even acknowledge her, it's eyes were glued on the old woman as it mouth opened. It all happened too quickly, the last thing she could remember before the room was painted red was the out of a horror movie scream she let out.

It splattered everywhere. Y/n was sure it even got in her mouth, making her wanna puke.

"Damn it, you stupid thing, be more careful." She jumped out of her chair, trying to wipe the blood off her, but it was no use. The curse stared at her blankly before letting out a noise and disappearing.

It didn't take her long to realise where it was at, she heard the screaming, the banging of doors, the desks falling over or maybe it was bodies?

She closed her eyes, the feeling of the blood was becoming familiar to her skin, but yet again, it was disgusting, warm, and sticky. Why was her blood so thick for.

She turned around towards the door, not before taking a glance at the lifeless body on the floor.

It was unrecognisable. To think that was a living human not too long ago, it had emotions and now it was a lifeless piece of flesh. When you think of it like that it was depressing. This was morally wrong.

She left those thoughts behind the moment she left the room. It didn't matter anyway, she was born to do this.

The people around her were screaming, running, pushing and falling all over each other. They were acting like animals, but it was understandable in the situation they were in.

That's when she felt it.

A sharp pain on her rib, she jumped back as quickly as she could-landing in a superhero pose. When she looked back she saw a young man with black hair, tied up. A small patch of hair fell infront of his face, maybe it was his hairstyle but considering how messy he looked it was probably from the fighting.

She saw the man's mouth open and she lunched herself at his, she was aiming for his face, her his was clenched so hard her hand felt like it was made from steel. The young man lifted his hands upwards making an X with his arms to protect his face from the impact.

Her hand collided with his forearm, the moment it made contact with his skin it made a disgusting cracking sound - it also made her cringe. But the man didn't seen to give up, she noticed around her the number of curses had dramatically decreased, did something go wrong with master Ren?

"Who are you?" The boy got the chance to finally speak. Now taking a good look at him, he was quite the looker, sharp, strong jawline and attractive black eyes. When she looked at him, she felt someone else's aura, disguisingly enough.

A hard surface hit her, and the cold, like naked skin, touched her face, making her want to vomit. It felt like she was touching a naked rat. The feeling was not pleasant. What made it worse was the burning sensation she got from it, and that's when she understood, this was one of the curses they left out! But how?

Looking at her confused face, the man chuckled but gave no further explanation, making her even more pissed off.

"Damn you!"


《Not edited》

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