chapter 8

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Third-person point of view.


"Get up." Was what she heard moments before she felt the covers being lifted from her body. Her eyes opened slowly, getting used to the bright light.

"Is it time?" Today was the day they would start their little distraction section. She did not know the details of what was going to happen or what they were going to do but she knew it was not going to be very pretty. Her heart started to run laps, there was a possibly, a very high one that is, that she would see him out there.

She would probably forget how to act properly.

"Come get dress and pick up your sword. We're going to discuss while we have some breakfast." With he began to walk towards the door, giving her a look before closing it.

She was once again left at peace, her eyes were burning due to her wanting to sleep more. How much she wish she would be very much sleeping in her comfortable bed.

With a sigh she got up. She approached her closet and looked as if she was wondering what she would wear today, throwing some of her clothes around, knowing damn well she would wear the same thing as she always had.

Her favourite outfit.

It was not anything special, it was f/c and had some red details. Sometimes the colours would match with each other, sometimes they would not but honestly she did not really care.
She quickly got dressed up and grapped her katana which was right beside a chair that she kept in her room to toss her clothes and other useless things.

She looked at herself infront of her body mirror; once she was satisfied she moved away. Her legs took her towards the door and them outside of her bedroom.

This was going to be a long day.


"Y/n! Finally you decided to come." Master Ren was sitting at his usual place by the window. Two tea cups were placed on the table accompanied by a bowl of porridge. Tea with porridge was not something she would usually eat in the mornings since she would skip breakfast or just have coffee but she did not complain, she had more important things to worry about.

"So, what is the plan?" She sipped her tea before placing it down once again. She made eye contact with master Ren. The man looked skeptical at first, thinking over and over the plan before letting her in on it. He was  a perfectionist after all, everything had to go according to plan.

"Well, the first thing I'm planning to do it let out a grade 3 or 4 curse to attract weaker sorcerers. Once they are down we will keep doing the same until we start to release stronger curses forcing the stronger sorcerers to come out and the thing is that they won't have support from the weaker ones." He let her in on the plan. She thought about it before opening her mouth.

"Yes, that's great. They will be distracted by the damage caused towards the weaker ones which means the stronger ones will be more vulnerable." In her mind it made mote sense but once she let it out it got tangled up. However, he seemed to understand what she was trying to say.

"Yes, that's great. Then we can overpower them and..." He started mumbling to himself. It was quite incredible to her what he was saying but she really did not care, she already knew what she needed to know. However, a question flooded in her mind, why?

"Master Ren, why are we doing all this for?" Her question made him stop mumbling. His cold glaring eyes fell on her and her heart decided that was a good moment for it to stop.

"What are you Y/n a philosopher? Always asking why that and why this. Well, Y/n it's quite simple to answer your question. I just want to help." She looked at his face and he looked very firmed of what he was saying. There was a burning ambition in his eyes which spread like a fire and burned that ambition in her mind also.

She let out a laugh, causing him to look at in a questionable manner but decided to not ask upon why she was suddenly so full of giggles but rather let a smile come to his face also.

"Well then master Ren, let's get going."She got and took the dishes with her in the kitchen, she did not washed the dishes but rather left them on the sink to do them later when they returned.

Ren's sharp eyes followed her every move and he was standing on the front door tall and proud.

"Come, it's brought daylight." Yes, it only meant that it would be easier for them to get caught but she did not question master Ren.

"Do not worry about the sun, the sun may be good since it brightens up our path but the moon hides our secrets." She looked at him as he spoke and she... was getting bored. Not that she did not like him talking like that. She really loved they way his words would make her think head but right now she was annoyed.

She wasn't annoyed at the old man but rather the person she may be fated to stable upon. She did not even want to think about that guy, if she saw him she would beat him up. She did not care that he is the strongest.

"We will have to travel for an hour or so, you know the house is very deep in the forest. We are pretty isolated." He let out a half-hearted snigger. He was expecting for her to say something but she didn't so he gave up on small talks.

"Well, let's hope the best of luck for ourselves, and final don't get manipulated by any of those kids. Understood?"He looked at her from the corner of his eye.

"Yes, understood." Her gaze once again fell on the floor as silent overtook them.


《Not edited》

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