Chapter 2

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Third-person point of view.


The child slowly opened her eyes, she could feel pain all over her small body as she slowly got up from the floor. Her eyes burned as they scanned around the area. The only thing was that it looked as if nothing had happened, no dead bodies, no blood, there was nothing.

With a confused look on her face she got on her knees, her hands were clenching onto her pants. It may have been fear or nervousness flooding in her mind or maybe it was both.

She couldn't really feel anything other than the painful numbness on her face, she slowly moved her hand away from her pants, once she released her iron grip on them, and brought her hand to her eye. She thought she had something covering her eye but in reality she felt blood slowly dripping from it. The drops almost mimicked the tears falling off her other eye.

She was confused.

What was happening, where was her mother? Was this all a dream? Stupid questions began to float in her mind, she knew deep down she had the answers to those questions but did she want them? She may want answers but the ones she is aware of is not what she wants, it's not want she's looking for. All she wanted was her mother to comfort her.

Not to mention her father was nowhere to be seen. Did he leave her and mom on purpose? It must have been an accident. Father probably thought the two of them were following him.

The little girl's face changed from one of happiness to sadness as she tried to bring hope to herself, but what was the use? Nothing would make her feel better other than the lies she kept telling herself. So that's what she must do, tell lies to herself to keep her heart safe.

Before she could even think of making another move she heard a noise in the far distance, more precisely she heard heavy footsteps. The sound of them kept echoing in the atmosphere the sound of them increasing by every moment she could hear them approaching closer and closer until they stopped right behind her.

She let out a heavy breath and before she could run away she felt a warm large hand on her shoulder. She could feel sweat on her forehead, fear once again entered her whole body as her hands started to trembled.

"Who are you?" If you didn't pay close attention to her you would probably miss the word that came out of her mouth. Her voice was weak unlike her usual cheerfully loud voice, it was almost unrecognizable.

"Oh dear you look messed up." She lifted her head and saw an old man, his golden eyes shone in the dark the moonlight landed gracefully on his face. His other hand softly landed on his shaved face as he rubbed his chin.

"Look at you, so pitiful." His arm left her shoulder as he turned back from where he just appeared from. Now that she could get a better look at him she was able to see his clothes. He was wearing a tight black shirt with black pants and a black belt that had some golden details on it.

She sat on the floor for a good second staring at him before his figure started to become smaller and smaller. That's when she made the decision to follow him, after all she had nothing to lose. Her family was gone.

By putting her hands on the group she gave herself a little push to get on her feet. She turned around and dashed towards the man.

He had almost disappeared, but she could still heard the heavy footsteps on the ground.

Her little legs carried her as quickly as possible, the wind hit her face making her want to close her eyes but she still kept them open. She finally saw him, he was standing there looking at the street. Maybe he was  a weirdo or maybe he was super cool. He reminded her of those antagonistic on her favourite comics and cartoons.

She stood directly behind the man, he didn't even bother turning around to look at her but she didn't mind. Her small hand lifted upward towards his shirt but he suddenly moved away.

He finally looked at her, the look on his face was very judgemental, as he looked around.

"Oh, you followed me." He kept a blank look as he looked down at the kid.

The only response she gave back was a nod before he went back to silence, almost as if he had accepted the fact that she would follow him around like a little duck.

She once again approached him, she was hardly passing his hip. She slowly took a grip on his pants almost as if she was looking
The man once  again looked at her without saying anything, not like there was anything to say to a little child who looked so roughed up.

"My name is Ren but you can call me Master Ren!" The kid looked at him before nodding.

The man had noticed something about her, more like the power inside of her. He decided maybe he could keep her around and use her power to his advantage.

"So what's you name little one?" Ren asked reaching his hand over the girl head.

"My name is Y/n." Ren knew that already. He had kept up with her mother for the longest time, he knew that witch and she owned him a lot. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately for him he had watched everything that happened in the past hours.

"Well Y/n, I will take care of you from now on, dont you worry!" The girl knew better than to trust him, but what other choice did she have?

"Yes master Ren." With his hand still on her head he gently started guiding her in a location she did not know of.

This was only the beginning of her story.


{Not edited}


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