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It's Sunday, and still nothing from Damon. 

I bite my nail, looking at my phone screen that now has four unread messages from him. I sent one thirty minutes ago when I woke up, but no response to that either.

Maybe I'm stupid but I don't think he's ignoring me, I just think something is wrong.

I sit up and push my hair out of my face before taking a deep breath. My sister left really early this morning to catch a flight back to New York for a photoshoot, and my brother is probably still in bed. No matter what he always has Sundays off, and he always sleeps in.

Rolling out of bed, I go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I head downstairs.

I peel an orange while I wait for the coffee to be done, and a few minutes later my brother walks into the kitchen dressed in a suit with his hair styled.

"You're working today?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I have to go in and oversee employee training and then hold some interviews for a new assistant" he steals an orange slice from me. "Sorry kiddo"

"There's coffee for you" I tell him.

I watch as he puts his coffee in a to go thermos and then walks back over to me, placing a kiss on the side of my head. "Thanks Ellie, see you in a few hours"

"Bye" I give him a small smile and he walks out the door.

After I finish my orange, I head back up to my room and check my phone one more time.

Still nothing.

Maybe I should go check on him? I think that's something a girlfriend would do.

Since I don't know where he lives, I have to look up his fathers name and get the address. If you ask me it shouldn't be public information and I really feel like a stalker.

I throw on a hoodie and sweatpants with a pair of sneakers. Not my usual go to but it's windy outside and I think it might actually rain for the first time in forever. 

It takes an hour and two different busses to get there.

Nervously I walk up to the gate where a security guard stands. He looks like he's seconds from escorting me from the property.

"Can I help you ma'am?" he grunts in annoyance.

"I promise I'm not a fan or anything" I swallow tucking my hair behind my ear. Not a great start. "Um do you know if Damon's home? He hasn't answered my messages and-" why am I telling all of this to the security guard? I push my glasses up my nose. "I don't have to come in, I just was wondering if-if he's okay"

He says something into his mic quietly and I shift on my feet. A whole minute goes by before he acknowledges me again.

"Who are you?" he asks strictly.

"Ellie. I'm his um-I'm his girlfriend" my cheeks heat. I've never actually said that out loud.

Another minute of him getting direction from someone before he presses a button and opens the gate. I give him a small smile which he definitely doesn't return as I walk through.

It takes me ten minutes to walk up the driveway because he lives at an estate, and everything is huge. Everything down to the blades of grass. I'm positive they're somehow bigger than the ones off the property.

I ring the doorbell and shuffle backwards. All I can hope is that Damon opens the door and not his father because that would be very very awkward. Unless his father is nice, which I doubt since he-

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