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I don't feel good.

I feel horrible actually.

Today is presentation day and I'm so sure that I'm going to throw up.

I've never had to give a presentation in front of my peers before, I've been lucky. That luck has run out. Something is gonna go wrong. Everything is gonna go wrong.

"How are you so sure that everything is going to be fine. Everything is not going to be fine. It's going to be the opposite of fine" I ramble, my hands fumbling with the straps of my overalls. 

"That's not true, stop freaking out" Damon says before glancing over his shoulder and scanning the hallway like he has been doing all day. I'm not sure why.

I'm currently standing against my locker and he's standing in front of me with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

He looks back down at me, his shoulders tense but his face is relaxed. Well as relaxed as it can be since normally it's more hard and stoic.

Damon licks his lips and the action does not go unnoticed by me. I still really can't believe that he's my boyfriend. Especially because he's him and I'm me. We're opposites in every aspect of the word.

"Would you feel more calm if I kissed you?"

I think I stop breathing.

Suddenly he's so close and my head is so foggy. Not good, not good.

I take a deep breath in, cleanliness and spice infiltrating my entire body. He's-he wants to kiss me?

My throat runs dry.

"That would...make me feel the opposite of calm" I breathe out.

"Mmm" he smirks.

The bell rings and Damon takes my hand leading me into the classroom.

More like dragging me into the classroom.

When I get to my seat he tugs me a little closer, planting a kiss on my cheek. In front of everyone. We were the last to walk inside.

"Just pretend you're talking to me. I want to know everything about you" he whispers before giving my hand a soft squeeze and sitting down.

I stumble into my seat, my cheeks and neck so red I can feel the heat beneath them. 

Right, so...just pretend I'm talking to Damon. Shouldn't be too hard right?

I take it back.

It's hard, very, very hard.

I feel dizzy and I'm only on the introduction slide. It just has my name on it. All I have to do right now is say my name, introduce who the heck I am, but my mind is drawing a blank and there may or may not be birds flying around my head.

"Miss Blaine?" Ms. Mavis looks at me in worry.

I look over at her, maybe I look like I'm about to pass out? I sure do feel like it. Is my chest supposed to feel this heavy?

Movement in my peripheral catches my attention. I turn my head just in time to see Damon standing up and sitting on top of the desk instead, drawing attention to himself. Singling himself out.

I'm not sure in what universe I deserve him, but I am beyond grateful to have him in this one. 

"Mr. Parker please sit back in your chair" Ms. Mavis scolds.

"That's alright" he shrugs. "Needed a better view, couldn't see in front of Brittney's gigantic unproportioned head"

The class snickers and I almost smile and almost forget that I'm standing in front of everyone, that I'm not the laughing stock. No one is laughing at me. Yet.

MisfitsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin