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It's been a week and the worst they've done is waterboard me.

Tessa, Brittney, and Chloe cornered me in the bathroom, broke my glasses and then proceeded to pour buckets of water in my face. Don't ask where they got buckets of water from because I'm just as clueless.

Anyways after that I just went home. Couldn't really spend the day in wet clothes, no glasses, and a teary face.

It's Monday again, and I push my spare pair of glasses up on my nose as I drag my feet down the hallway, walking to home economics.

The spawn of demons have recruited Damon Parker to their group.

Well maybe recruited isn't the right word, but he does sit with them at lunch. Not that I know personally because I don't attend lunch, but people talk about it.

Other than that I never really see him with them. Not when they torment me, and he doesn't talk to them in class. Honestly I've never seen him utter a word to anyone except the teacher on the first day, not that I've been around him enough to make that assumption.

I walk into the classroom, one of the first to arrive to avoid the awkwardness of having to walk past people. I slouch in my chair, pulling out my phone to check my four notifications.

Big Sis: I'm casting my spells on them now.
Hazel ☺︎: I can't believe they did that...are you okay??
Ella☼: Those assholes, how is that legal???
Hazel ☺︎: It isn't...

I recently told my only female support system what happened Friday. Hazel is who I stay with all the time in Texas with her husband and kids, they're also my godparents. I've known her since I was four when she became best friends with my brother. Ella is friends with my sister and Hazel, I've known her since my sister started modeling when I was only eight.

They're the only people who've ever truly been there for me besides my brother and sister.

I text them a quick response and they must all simultaneously be free right now because they text back, which is rare with them. Especially with Hazel. She has a demanding career, a NFL football quarterback for a husband, five kids under the age of eight, and three dogs. I don't know how she does it, but she's always busy doing something.

Ella only has one daughter, a year younger than Hazels only daughter and youngest. My sister is the freest one of all of them, she isn't even in a relationship. But she does have the cutest puppy ever.

"People actually text you?"

My phone is plucked from my hand but before I lose my grip, I lock it. I've never wanted anyone to know about my relationship with Hazel or Ella. They are both insanely famous, and my sister and brother being in the limelight put enough of a target on me already. Even though everyone here has famous or at the very least rich families. They chose to beat me down for it. It's fine, for one more year I can take it.

Just a year.

I can do it.

"What's so secretive that you have to lock your phone?" Brittney tosses the device to Tessa who catches it effortlessly. "Stalking the newest alien sighting" she snickers.

I don't think they're real. Or I don't know maybe they are. The conspiracy theories are interesting and if I wasn't texting in the group chat I probably would have been looking at some of the newer ones.

My hand instinctively goes to the shoulder strap of my overalls and I tug on it, looking down at my desk. I'm not weird. I'm not.

"Who were you texting Ellie?" Tessas voice screeches in my ear. "I hope you were telling your brother how much fun we had swimming Friday"

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