- "I'm sorry... anyway I hope my maid of honor will have a pretty girl she loves on her arm and that will make her happy at my wedding."

- "oh yeah? Who is your maid of honor ?"

- "Well, you! What a question!"

- "you didn't... Asked me"

- "I didn't think it was necessary, it seemed logical to me"

- "yes but it's always nice to feel wanted"

- "I thought you had your fill of that. I still think you shouldn't be so ... Intense because you're going to explode, but I think the more the years have gone by the more Carina looks at you with desire. She's going to make you have spontaneous combustion one of these days."

- "trust me, she already does"

- "too many details, I haven't eaten yet"

Not long after breakfast, brief, birthday, the Station 19 alarm had sounded in the barracks.

Maya, Dean, Jack, Travis, Vic, Theo had left for a response and Andy had stayed at the firehouse with Emmett Dixon, Kline, Larson and Barnes, three other firefighters from the A-team.

They had arrived on their call. On the highway a truck had a tire blow out and overturned creating a pileup several feet long. Station 26 was also on the scene.

When they arrived, the captain of station 26 asked Maya to split the intervention in two. Paramedics were also on site to get everyone to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Maya dispatched her team and then contacted Andy and asked her to send Kline, Larson and Barnes. She would stay with Emmett who was at the front desk.

They would take care of the truck and the cars closest to it. There were a lot of victims.

Maya, Jack and Dean were looking after the driver. They had to break the window of the tractor to get him out and he had hit his head and was trying to speak, but the three firefighters couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

After several long minutes, Maya understood that the man was saying that he had stowaways in the trailer.

She then asked Larson and Kline to go cut the door open while they were still trying to dislodge the man who was trapped under the dashboard.

- "Maya, Captain, can you come in here please," Kline had asked on the walkie-talkie.

The blonde had gone to the back of the truck and asked what was going on.

- "I don't know what this load is supposed to be, but there was no information that there were hazmat products inside, on the back door."

- "or that hazmat?"

- "the cans that are spilled there, those are chemicals. I think if there's anybody in that trailer, we're going to need more EMTs, they must be unconscious from the fumes that are coming off."

-"I don't want to go to Seattle Grace because of this procedure. I can't even ask this man for an explanation, he is incomprehensible."

They had spent several hours on this procedure. Vic and Travis who were in the ambulance, as well as Kline, Barnes and Larson who were in the second ambulance, had left to take the last two victims to the hospital while the rest of the team, Maya, Theo, Dean and Jack, had gone straight back to the barracks. They had spent a lot of time on the scene because the stowaways were crushed under the cans and the boxes, and they had to be meticulous because the products could not be mixed not to create a chemical reaction.
They were taken upstairs.

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