"I really like this," Judah's voice was quiet. We were walking slowly, not talking, just enjoying each other's company.

"Me too," I leaned my head on his arm. I loved doing things like this, as long as I wasn't anxious about people looking and having opinions. I love physical affection, but maybe a bit less when it was making a statement.

"We should go camping or something," Judah suggested.

"Dude!" I got excited, "I was just talking about that earlier! It's been too long since we went out into nature."

"Yeah, it's been way too long. Maybe we could go hiking or something, next weekend?" He asked, "We won't have time for camping until our internships are over."

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes, yes. I'm so excited."

He laughed, "Good."

We finally arrived at the stairs, Judah stopped, letting me walk up first. I was a few steps in front of him. Suddenly his hands were just resting on my ass, gripping each cheek softly. I laughed, "You know what your nickname should be?"

He laughed, "Booty Bandit."

I laughed harder, "No," He slapped my ass as we got to the top of the stairs, "Super Soaker."

He raised an eyebrow as he took out his keys, "Oh yeah?"

I smiled, watching him unlock the door, "Maybe. Maybe it's just a joke," I shrugged, walking inside, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I mean, I could easily find out," He closed the door as I walked into my room.

"Easy, huh? That's what you think of me?" I smiled as I sat down and took off my shoes.

He popped into my doorway, "Why you gotta do me like that? You know that's not what I meant."

I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh, "Do I?"

"Ky, quit playing," I heard him walk away. I laughed and took off my jeans. I was taking off my jewelry when he spoke again, "I'm not looking at your ass right now."

"Oh, that sounds like a waste of time," I smirked.

"You know I never waste time," He laid on my bed. I caught a glimpse of him in my vanity mirror.

"You're really gonna chill in jeans?" I asked him, taking off my glow stick crown.

"I mean, I guess not, huh?" He sat up, still looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm half naked. So it's only fair that you get half naked too," I reasoned with a straight face.

"You're a tease," He shook his head smiling.

"I am. But, who said I was teasing you right now?" I raised an eyebrow, our eyes met in the reflection of the vanity. I smirked and turned around, "Do you need help?"

I started putting up my hair, walking towards him. "I mean it wouldn't hurt," He was smiling slightly.

I suddenly had an idea and got on my knees in front of him, kicking my lips. His expression changed immediately. I bent down further and untied his shoes, "I got you, babe."

He laughed, "No fucking shit bro. You are a tease."

I laughed, "I'm helping you. What do you mean?"

He laid back on the bed, "I hate you sometimes."

"You don't mean that," I took off his shoes and put my hands on his knees. My hands ran up his thighs as I stood up.

"I don't," He agreed, looking at me. His hands were above his head, my hands traveled up his body. I got over the top of him with one leg on each side of his body.

Balance, BabyWhere stories live. Discover now