Chapter 63

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"So you resigned?" "Yeah and Raiyan, I was thinking about doing some online jobs maybe, can you help me to find one?As you know na it'll be easier for me to handle my study" "Yeah yeah, I'll let you know as fast as I can" "Thank you so much Raiyan, the way you helped me in every steps" "Shifa, told you so many times there's no need to thank me, we're best friends right?So please no more thank you otherwise I'm going" "No no, okay fine, I won't thank you from now, promise" "Okay if you say so, btw you're going in Nabila's wedding right?" "I don't think so, basically I don't want to, don't feel like you know" "You should, trust me you'll feel a little bit relaxed, you're taking a lot of stress nowadays, meeting old friends will surely light up your mood" "Let's see, I can't promise yaar" "I'll come to pick you so obviously you're going" "Don't be so confident, anyways that still has time" "Not that much, we're going for Sangeet as well" "Oh hello mister, here I'm not even agreeing for attending the wedding you're making plans of sangeet, unbelievable" "I'm not in the mood to discuss more, you're just coming" "You're too much Raiyan" "And I like being so",he beamed and that made Shifa laugh as well.

She couldn't believe herself that she was here at Nabila's sangeet for real, obviously that's because of Raiyan, he forced her to come and there Nabila strictly told her to at least do a light makeup so for her sake she did the light makeup,truly speaking she could't even remember the last time she got ready for any function maybe that was in Rakib Bhaiya's wedding, yeah the memories were coming with full speed in her mind and she needed to stop that.

The whole place was filled with known faces and her fear started increasing, she didn't want to face HIM, only if she knew that Nabila's would be husband was from Akash's batch for sure she would have never come, seeing her nervousness Raiyan told her to relax,"Why are being so nervous,even I think you both should meet and talk about the whole matter" "I don't want to Raiyan,why don't you understand?" "Okay okay, just relax",that was when the Sangeet got started,performances were going on where her mind was on how would she get out of the place, she didn't even bothered to look at the performances but the last one got her attention,it was from groom side, her heart was beating so fast as if she could hear the beats and her fear came true, HE was performing in front of her eyes, she saw him after whole 1 year, he still danced so well like a pro, she could clearly see how all the girls' eyes were over him.

He danced after years, still today this was the thing which could relax him and after the performance he was breathing so fast, he wanted to know did people enjoyed his performance or not, there he felt that he's seen a known face though he couldn't see properly as the group traditional dance was started and basically girls from both sides were dancing and this was why he had to get down from the stage,when he got down and kept enjoying the dance, he felt that his heart would be stopped, he couldn't believe whom he saw, she was sitting there and enjoying the dance,others brought her at the stage forcefully and yeah she was still terrible at dance, she somehow got down from the stage and looked at the dancing group, that's when their eyes met. She was getting flash backs how he taught her dance steps for Rakib Bhaiya's wedding, he remembered how used to laugh when he showed her the steps as those were girlish steps but immediately he remembered what she told him the last time and his expression changed from lovable to angry one.She clearly saw how his expression got changed, why did this happen?She felt the urge to talk with him but he didn't even show any interest.

Someone tapped her in her shoulder and it was none other than Rashi,"You?" "Why don't you go and talk with him?" "With whom?" "Please Shifa,stop this, I think he's hurt" "Why would he be hurt?" "I don't know, he didn't share with me but as far as I know him,I can understand he's hurt and by looking at you I can see you're also hurt, it's better you both at least talk for once" "Yeah Shifa please go" "Raiyan?" "Yeah that was what I kept saying you, please go"

[The traditional group dance will be done on the given link]

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