Where worlds collide and days are dark, jo (1)

Comenzar desde el principio

You worked for hours, papers sprawled on the table, a hologram with a prototype, the glasses that Tony gave you laid comfortable on your face, Peter was snoring on the couch. "Why are you awake at this ungodly hour, working?" You saw her, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she stood by you.

"I need this done. Jenna. If I don't-" You cut yourself off, not wanting to fall into a stream of tears once more. "I just need this done." You mumbled, moving things around and rubbing your eyes underneath the glasses. 

Seeing you work reminded her of a time a few years back when she walked in on you and Tony working on something. It was during the blip, she had just moved in with you, and Tony was cheering you up by making some sort of mechanism with you. You were wearing the same glasses, the only thing different was that it was happier, lighter, and both of you were alive. She was reminded of all the losses that you've had; losing your parents in an accident, losing your caretakers and living with your sister, losing your sister during the blip, losing the family you made with the Avengers, and now losing your sister once more. For real this time. 

You felt arms wrap tightly around you, a face being shoved into your shoulder. You tensed at first, but relaxed into her touch, your lips even quirking a bit. The first time since your sister's death. You just kept on working, while she embraced your warmth. Peter's snores getting a small laugh out of her every now and then. 

You weren't really sure what you and Jenna were. It was that situation where you both know of each other's feelings but no one really had the guts to make it official. Well, you wanted to, but you didn't want to risk her safety. 

The two of you had met in high school, you guys were never really friends. You had a tiny crush on her, but that was all. The real story starts when she moved into the apartment with you. You and her grew close, close enough to the point where the two of you shared beds, despite the apartment being huge (thanks to Tony and his unwavering fatherly love for you). You found yourself growing feelings for her, they were unlike the ones you had in high school. It was this sort of deep affection towards her, where you admired everything she does, hypnotized by her. It was also comforting, where your heart lies, your home. You got enough thrill from being Spider-Woman, but being with Jenna made you forget about your other life. 

She figured out you were Spider-Woman a good 6-8 months within moving in. Over the course of the months, she noticed how you would sneak out of your room in the middle of the night. At first, she thought you were seeing a prostitute or something. Then, she noticed how you would have a bunch of bruises and cuts. When she confronted you about them, you just said that you were clumsy or it was an incident at the lab. She had figured out that you and Spider-Woman seemed to always match, whether it be cuts or the time. So, she confronted you once more, claiming that you were Spider-Woman. 

You played around with the hologram, opening up different components and toying around with them. You tinkered around until felt a quiet vibration on your back. You hummed, waiting for Jenna to repeat what she said. It wasn't until you felt her lean a lot more into you that you realized that she was asleep. You held onto her as you turned around, making it easier for you to carry her. You walked her over to your room, where the two of you often slept together in, you laid her onto the bed, but she clung onto you like a koala.

"Don't." She mumbled into your neck, tickling you slightly. 

"Jenna, I need to finish. Goblin can't keep running these streets rampant." You were holding yourself up on the bed, making her hover over the bed.

"You need sleep, y/n. Just stay with me for a little while." You sighed, giving in and laying with the girl. 

You tried to your best to think about what you could do, what to change, but your mind kept on drifting to your sister. She was older than you, only by a year. Well, technically she was born before you, but she got blipped, making you live more years than her. You both looked after each other, you were the brawns and she was the brains. Well, you both were the brains, you were more the brawns. You loved her dearly, you always said that you couldn't live in a world without her, and now here you are. Forced to live in a world that she won't be in. When you became Spider-Woman, you swore to protect her, with your whole life. But now you felt like you failed the one thing you were meant to do. 

What happened? Well, while you and Peter were almost done sending off the rest of the villains, you had a sort of feeling that something was going to go wrong. You sent your sister off to Jenna, just in case. Your feeling was right, the Green Goblin was coming through Norman. You brawled it out with him, but he was quick. There was an explosion where your sister was it, and the suit you had made just for this situation didn't expand fast enough to save her. All you could hear was his cackle, over and over again.


You and Peter managed to make the neutralizer. The green bar on the hologram read out 'success rate 100%'. After a bit of celebrating, you both went off, setting up bait for Goblin. You both sat on the building, looking over the city, as you waited for the man's arrival.

"So..." Peter trailed off, giving you a look. You raised your eyebrow at him. "What's going on with you and Jenna?" You let out a scoff, blush arose your cheeks and you felt your heart flutter at the sound of her name. You rolled your eyes and shook him off.

"Don't even."

"Come on!" He raised his hands in defense. "I've never seen roomies so close."

"We've known each other since high school." You defended, it was true, but still felt like a lie.

"Is that all that happened?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows, making you hit the boy.

"I'm serious!" You leaned onto your hands as you looked back at the city. "I like her, I know she likes me, I just- I don't want to risk her safety. I mean, have you seen how many people have died because they were affiliated with me?"

"Doesn't mean you can't try." He shrugged.

You heard the sound of cackling, your senses going off. "He's here."

You and Peter followed through the plan together, executing it almost flawlessly. You worked like cogs in a machine. You managed to ignore majority of the comments Goblin had made, with the help of Peter. You stood over him, blood running down the side of your face, while he was beaten pretty badly as well. Peter was grabbing the neutralizer, so, you just watched over him. "I'm surprised you haven't come after me any sooner. Are you doing the noble thing and bringing me back?"

"You know, although it's the right thing, there isn't anything stopping me from killing you now."

"Oh but you wouldn't. Your poor sister-" Your fist collided with the man's jaw. You and him broke out into a fight, but you gained control of the situation quickly, beating him to pulp.

Peter had come back, seeing you raise your fist for another punch, he quickly got in between and stopped you. "Don't do it. It's not going to do you any good." You clenched your jaw, panting heavily. You desperately wanted to have him dead.

"It'll be good to know that he's not going around killing anyone else in any other universe." You gritted. Your eyes flicked to behind Peter, you saw that Goblin had pulled out his blade. You switched the position, feeling the blade go through your abdomen. You let out a strained groan. "Fuck." 

The blade pulled out of you, Goblin cackling. You fell to your knees, the neutralizer now in your hand. Norman turned you to face him, ready to strike you again, but you struck the device into his neck. You tried not to faint, using Peter as your crutch. 

"Stark Labs, now." You demanded, trying not to let out any sounds of pain.

"I can't swing you there, it's too dangerous." You gave him a glare a midst all the pain. He just nodded, gripping onto you tightly as you both swung towards the tower. You felt your consciousness start to slip as he yelled out for help.

You were helped onto a table, the doctors pushing you to an operation room. "You're in great hands, but you need to stay awake for us."

i just went through the worst writers block and then grinded out a whole chapter based on scream 5 

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora