Fight or flight, I'd rather lie than tell you I'm in love with you, jo (3)

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In which you're put together for another mission (3)

Listen to: Fight or Flight - Conan Gray

"Did that night mean anything to you?" 

You felt your heart pounding, you kept your mouth shut. "The night when we..." You trailed off, wanting to stall.

"What other night would I be referring to?" She huffed. "The night when you shot my mission?" It was obvious that she was being sarcastic, it made you crack a smile.

"I mean, we can talk about that, if you want." You quipped, putting the guns away and going to the computer. "He was a real douche, you know."

"Yeah, and I almost got in trouble for not getting intel." She crossed her arms and stood behind you. 

"Dang, you were so lucky, how did you save yourself?" You asked, overexaggerating your voice.

"Shut up." She mumbled, glaring at the back of your head. "You never answered my question."

"What do you want me to say?" You kept your eyes on the screen as it loaded. "We can't do that. Like ever."

"Why is that?" She leaned onto the desk so that she could look you in the eyes. You glanced at her. Her expression had a mix of confusion and anger. You felt your mouth twitch. "Are you telling me you regret it or something?"

You sighed, clicking different buttons on the screen. "It's not that I regret it, Jenna. I fuckin' loved it, if that's what you're looking for, but we can't do that again. We work for different agencies, they're going to kill me." You knew you were lying, but you couldn't bring yourself to even think about the real answer.

"Like they haven't been forcing us two work together for years." She scoffed, going to walk.

Your eyes catch onto something in the screen. "Shit, Jenna, let's go." You pushed the chair away, grabbing a few guns. She looked at you, confused. "Come on! We don't have all day." You urged, shoving the different guns into different pockets. 

She just followed your lead, grabbing a couple guns as well. You made your way to where your target was. "What's going on?" She hissed. You ignored her, picking the lock to the gate. 

"Stay here." You ordered, the two of you were in the backyard, you were about to burst into the house through the back door.

"What the fuck? No!" You covered her mouth before she could yell. 

"Just trust me." You slowly let go, nodding with her. She begrudgingly stayed in the backyard while you got into the house. It didn't take long before you were confronted by someone.

After a few punches swung back and forth, it went black.

When you arose back into consciousness, you saw that the room was dark, and your hands were tied. They weren't cuffed with regular handcuffs, nor were they tied by rope. It was using one of those high-tech cuffs that the agency uses. You knew all the gadgets by heart, so there was something off about you getting kidnapped this time.

"I know these cuffs, by the way. I know your secret." You called out to no one in particular, you just hoped whoever took you was nearby and was able to hear you. "The only way to acquire these cuffs, you would need to either work for my agency, or you used to. But if you are who I'm looking for, you have absolutely not affiliations with my agency."

A light was shown, right above you, causing you to wince at the sudden change. Another light went on, it was across from you. You saw another person tied up. It was Jenna. You cursed under your breath. The light had caused her to wake up from her forced slumber. "What the fuck." She croaked, she looked around, but her eyes finally found you. "Y/n, what did you do?"

"Why are you assuming I did something!" You exclaimed, your voice went up a few pitches. "You could've been the one who gave us away!"

"Well, if you had just waited it out, and not run up to the house. We would've been fine." She argued, making you scoff and roll your eyes.

"Awh, this is adorable. Couple banter!" A mans voice rang out, his voice was deep and had a faint british accent. He stepped into the light, and as if it was a switch, it clicked in your head.

"We aren't dating." Jenna seethed, you just clenched your jaw and stayed quiet. 

"You sure act like you are." 

"What do you want?" You cut in, not wanting him to tease this more. You turned to the other figure in the darkness that you managed to make out. Before the man could reply, you spoke again. "I asked you a question, Chris."

The figure in the darkness chuckled, causing Jenna's head to snap to where the voice came from. You remained calm and unsurprised. "Oh, I've always known you were smart, y/n."

Jenna let out a small snicker. "Sure." You gave her a look, as if she challenged you.

"Alright. He's," You motioned for the man in the light. "not even actually out of jail. You could tell by the bulky section around his ankle, it's an ankle monitor because he was used to bait us. At first, I thought the guy looked familiar, and he was. Your real name is Daniel Radcliffe, born in July 23 1989, making you 33. You were born in London. I took you down my first year. I don't forget any of my targets." 

"Who's in the shadows then?" Jenna retorted, making you shrug.

"Our bosses." You looked back across. "Chris Evans and Tom Cruise. Am I right?" 

A slow clap came from the shadows. "That you are."

"What was the point of this mission then?" 

"You two have been at each others throats for so long, you've been so focused on each other that you haven't noticed that we've been trying to merge the agencies for so long." Tom crossed his arms as he turned on the actual light. "You two are staying here until you both can get along. Or get together. We know what happened last mission." 

"What?" You both exclaimed. 

(the third part you guys have been waiting for ?!?!?! but i dont know what to do next)

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