You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye, jo (2)

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In which you fall in love at the lodge (2)

Listen to: Style - Taylor Swift

You managed to give Jenna that tour, she so desperately needed. But you haven't seen her since, it's only been a few days, and you weren't so worried, she was probably exploring or going around with her friends.

You wanted to hang out with her, but you could never find her, so you just complained to Madelyn, who thought it was funny at first, but now finds it exhausting. So, she went around, trying to find Jenna, while you were doing whatever you wanted to do.

Which was probably sleeping. Good thing she had a key! Just in case of course.

You were pretty comfortable in your bed, sleeping soundly, as your speaker was playing your music on the night stand beside you. The daylight was peaking through the blinds, the lights off. You and some of your other friends were going to do some partying later in the night, and you wanted to get some sleep so that you don't fall asleep on some chair (You had a tendency to fall asleep when drunk and had a restless night).

Madelyn knocked on the door, thinking you were just scrolling on tiktok. "Y/n!" She yelled, banging on the door more. You grumbled, hearing the knocks. You slipped out of the bed, putting some shorts on. You got your slippers on and grabbed a sweatshirt. You opened the door, fixing up your sweater.

"What's up, Mads." You croaked, obvious that you were sleeping.

"Oh shit, my bad, I thought you were just on you were on your phone or something." She apologized, a slight guilty look. "Are you sleeping for tonight?" You nodded, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "Oh, well, uh, there was a change in plans."

Your eyebrows were knitted together. "What do you mean?" You glanced at your phone which was on the night stand. You glanced back at Madelyn. "Come in." She followed you inside, closing the door behind her.

You grabbed your phone, looking through the notifications. The plans did in fact change. "So, you wanna head out to the lookout? The sun's going to set soon, and I wanna get some pictures." You nodded, getting up and getting ready.

She helped you finish your hair and makeup, not wanting too much. The two of you headed to the lookout, Madelyn being on her phone a lot, but you were pretty used to it. You admired the place as you guys walked, although you knew the place by heart, it was still nice to watch.

Once you guys got there, the view was absolutely breathtaking, as always. No matter how many times you visit the place, it always manages to be prettier than memory. You and Madelyn just fooled around, taking pictures, both together and separately.

You loved the pictures, posting them onto your social medias. You felt your phone dinging with all the notifications, so you silenced them, not wanting to focus on it. You were sitting with Madelyn, just watching the sun set. It was peaceful, until she looked at her phone once more.

"I gotta go get something, y/n, I'll be right back." She told you, you raised your eyebrow at her, suspecting she was lying, but you let it go. You nodded, waving her good bye.

You just watched the sunset, you tried to focus on it, but your mind kept drifting back to Jenna. How luck never seemed to be on your side, every time you looked for her, she wasn't there. It frustrated you.

"Holy shit," Your head snapped to the voice, it was the girl you were just thinking about. You raised your eyebrow and smiled. "It's so pretty."

"Me or the sky?" You asked, a smirk on your face. Your heart thumped. Madelyn was up to this. You were sure of it. I mean, you weren't complaining, that's for sure.

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now