This is a love song for a girl who will never know it's about her - t.c

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(no ghost face!)
In which you help your friend with the girl you love

Listen to: Looking Out for You- Joy Again

You were smart, crazily smart. You lived quite literally in the middle of nowhere, some small town in California. Woodsboro. There was two high schools in this town, and you knew everyone in both. People hired you so that you could write their essays, giving everyone a great grade and you got quite a bit of money in return. You used it to help you and your father fund the small shop that the two of you ran. The teachers stopped caring, only wanting the work day to be over with.

Everyone had a faint sense of who you were, but no one really bothered to actually talk to you and make friends with you. You never really minded, you just wanted to wait until the first chance you can take you and your father far from the town.

You took your time walking home, although you preferred the buzzing city, it was nice to have the silence and the pretty view every once in a while.

"Y/n!" You ignored the call of your name, thinking you were just being delusional. That is until the voice caught up to you, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you looked at the boy who was panting. "Hi." Wes Hicks. He was on the football team.

"If you wanted me to write your essay, just email me. I'm sure one of your friends has it." You stated, turning and walking away. He let out a quiet groan. Before going after you.

"That's not what I'm here for." He turned around as he got ahead of you, walking backwards. You raised your eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "I need you to write something for me."

You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. "I already told you-"

"I need you to write a letter." He cut you off, you froze in your spot.

"I'm not writing you a college application letter." You crossed your arms, looking at him expectantly.

He made a face before flushing. You merely raised your eyebrow and waited for him to explain. "I don't need that, I actually-" He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment and let out an awkward chuckle. "It's a love letter."

"To who?"

You immediately regretted asking him once the words came out of his mouth. "Tara Carpenter."

"No." You answered, pushing him out the way and speed walking to your house.

"Wait!" He called out, catching up to you once more.

"I can't just write a letter like that." You snapped. "Love letters need to be authentic, and I can't be authentic with your feelings."

"Look, I'd write the letter myself, but I can't write for shit." He handed you a letter, you walked as you read it.

You had to stop yourself from laughing. It really was a terrible letter. "Wes, I can't-"

"I'll pay you 50$ to make it authentic." You stopped, looking up from the letter. You needed the money, but there was no way you were going to write a letter to Tara Carpenter posing as Wes without true feelings showing through.

"Give me a few days." You grumbled, not a change in your face when you saw the boy jumped in excitement. "But I'm gonna need your help."

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now