Pathetic (requested)

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You weren't typically the type of person who got jealous. Obviously, you weren't perfect, but you had your moments. Although you knew Jenna was yours and that she loved you, there was something about someone from her past coming back that set you off.

She had been spending a lot of time with him, sacrificing some time with you, just to catch up with him. Usually, you were all for it, but the way she talked about him from time to time scared you. You didn't know of him before, other than the fact that you didn't ask, it just never came up, so you didn't know what their past was like. 

You knew you shouldn't be feeling threatened, but it felt like it was subconscious, like you couldn't control it. While you were hanging with a few friends, you broke down about it, expressing how you were upset about it, but you didn't want to bring it up with Jenna.

"Y/n, I'd like to remind you, that you are crying over a man. A man. And didn't you say he's a ginger? I can't believe you of all people are crying over a ginger man." Your friend, Madison, stated. She wasn't really trying to comfort you, but it was slightly comforting.

"Yeah, that's true." You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "This sounds so stupid."

"I mean, you have the right to be upset about this." Your other friend, Abby, shrugged. "Why won't you bring this up with Jenna?"

"Like I said, it sounds really stupid."

But then you did bring it up with her. 

Ooh boy.

"You're telling me, you're jealous of Stephen? Seriously?" She let out a little giggle, it pissed you off.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." You muttered under your breath. "You know what? Forget it. I knew it was stupid."

She was laughing softly, but she put a hand on your arm. "Y/n, calm down." You shrugged her hand off, catching her off guard. You had never done that. "I don't like him, at all, if that's what you're wondering. He's just weird like that." You let out a scoff and rolled your eyes.

"It's not that, it's the fucking fact that I tried to tell you something that made me uncomfortable, and you laughed. You and I haven't hung out in a while and all you've been talking about it fucking Stephen. Jenna, I cried about it, to my fucking friends. I don't do that, you know this, and now, I feel fucking pathetic about feeling this way." You never raised your voice, but it was clear you were angry. Before you could go on, you stopped yourself. "Like I said, forget it, I'm going." 

You walked off, not sparing a second glance at the girl. She knew you needed to cool off, but she felt so guilty. You just got into your car, breaking down and crying. Once you managed to stop crying, you drove off, needing to clear your head.

You wanted to go to a bar, to drink off the edge, but you know you couldn't. So, you went to the next best place. Your best friend's house.

You showed up at her doorstep in tears, she was quick to let you in and comfort you. After about 30 minutes of trying to cheer you up, the rest of your friends showed up, just to play games and distract you.

And it worked. 

Maybe a little too well.

You and your friends played for hours. They had taken your phone from you to prevent you from constantly checking it. Jenna got worried, you were gone for hours and neither you and your friends answered any of her calls and texts.

"Shit, guys, it's late, I gotta get going." You winced, grabbing your phone and slipping it into your pocket as you got out from the group.

"Are you feeling better?" You nodded with a smile. "Alright then, we'll see you later." You said your goodbyes and headed back to Jenna. You noticed that she had been calling you and texting you, so you immediately called her back.

"Hello? Y/n? Where have you been?" You heard Jenna's panicked voice.

"I'm sorry, I was at my friend's place. I just needed to cool off. I'm sorry." You bit your bottom lip, guilt residing in your chest as you imagined how Jenna must've felt. "Can we talk when I get home?"

"Uh, y-yeah." She stammered, making you nod and say a goodbye before hanging up.

In the midst of you unlocking the door, Jenna pulled it open, her eyes puffy and red. You felt your heart drop as you pulled her in for a tight hug. Her head was buried into your neck, arm around your waist, holding you as if she won't see you ever again if she let go in the slightest. "I'm sorry for worrying you." You mumbled into her, kissing her forehead. 

"I'm sorry for not taking you seriously." Her voice was muffled but you were able to understand it. 

You finally pulled away from her, holding her hand and bringing her to the couch. You sat down, facing her. "Don't worry about it. I kinda took it a little too far." 

"No, because I made you feel like you couldn't come to me about it. That's not okay, I'm so sorry." She apologized, you sighed, glancing between out the window and her.

"It's okay, seriously, you don't need to keep apologizing." You bit your inner cheek and looked at your intertwined hands. "I just- I don't know why I felt so jealous. Actually, that was a lie. It's just that you kept talking about him in a sort of way. I- honestly it's whatever now."

"I think it's kinda offensive that you thought I'd like some ginger over you." She teased, making you roll your eyes and flush with embarrassment. 

"Shut up." You muttered, she just chuckled and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"Communication is key, right? If I have any bothers, I would always come to you. And I want you to do the same." You smiled and nodded, giving her another kiss. 


(lowkey should make more rant fics... its so silly)

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