Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing - vc

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(heavily based on a past experience so it might be similar to one that i've written before)

In which you fall out

Listen to: Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye, Kimbra

You and Vada were the best of friends. You didn't know her too long, but when you met, the two of you instantly clicked. You both texted and talked everyday, you stayed up just for her. You had fallen in love with her so quickly.

After a few months of being best friends, and confessing that you had a small crush on her, she had told you that she had feelings for you too. You both started dating, a lot of people had grown to know who she was because of you. You loved her, so much. She was your first love.

You've dated many girls, but none compare to the love the two of you had for each other.

But just like all relationships, they have their lows.

The shooting had changed her. You knew it did, and you gave it time. She started to drink more often, and started to do drugs, hanging around Mia Reed so often. She barely came home, she barely texted you. You brushed it off, she was trying to cope, and you tried your best to help, but Vada was stubborn. You tried your hardest to not overthink this, Vada had been affected by this more than you had.

After about two months of you and Vada constantly arguing, it didn't feel like you two were together. You felt like you were putting in all the effort, but you couldn't help but not blame Vada. Even though you knew that she was going through something, she couldn't keep ignoring you and only come to you when you needed something. You were like a thing that she only remembered you every now and then. You couldn't handle it, it was making it harder on you and messing with your mental stability.

"Vada, we need to talk." You started, you sat on her bed, far from her. Your heart was picking up it's speed, this scared you. She looked up from her phone, a little confused.

"What's up?"

"Are you okay? You've been acting so differently lately, and it's been worrying a lot of people, not just me." Once she took the hint that this was going to be serious, she put her phone down and repositioned herself on the bed.

"Uhm, I don't really know how to... explain how I feel? I just- the shooting- I'm sorry. I've been acting terribly lately." She apologized. You sighed with a nod.

"I get that, Vads, I really do." You looked to her, you could feel your tears well. "But there's times where you go missing for so long, you don't text me, and when I get a call from you sister, it's almost always about where you are. You don't tell me anything anymore." You tried to stay gentle, but this topic also made you mad.

You could hear her sniffle, but you couldn't look at her. If you looked at her, you were going to start crying. "I'm sorry, it's just so hard to handle." She sobbed.

"I know, and I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but- Vada you have to understand that I'm also here. It affects me too. And i-" You felt like you were a little out of breath as a tear slid down your cheek. "Vada, if you can't- if we're going to constantly be like this, it can't keep going."

She started to whisper to herself, trying to deny what was inevitably going to happen. "Please, y/n, no-" You closed your eyes and looked up, swallowing thickly. "You can't."

"Vada, I have to." You finally looked to her, trying to stifle a sob. "I don't want to do this either, trust me, but I have to."


"Because we're just going to keep arguing and ignoring each other. It's so draining." The two of you were crying on her bed, you stomach was flipping and making you feel sick. "We have to break up." She let out a louder sob.

"Fuck." She whispered, your heart kept on cracking. "Y/n, I don't-"

"You're not going to lose me." You reassured, putting your hand on her leg. "Okay? I just- you need to be able to communicate with me, and you haven't, and I'm scared that if we keep this going, you're just going to get even worse."

She looked at you, her eyes downcast. "What? No, y/n, I wouldn't."

"I don't know that." You whispered. "I- just give it time, and maybe sometime we can try it again. I love you Vada, I will always love you. No matter what. Trust me when I say that you hold such a special place in my heart."

You could've sworn that it was one of the worst experiences of your life. You never thought that it would come to be that way, you never thought that you would be the one to drop the axe. You cried for nights and nights.

The two of you had remained friends since the breakup, it was difficult to cope with, but you both made it work.

Actually, it was working terribly. You hated it. It felt awkward, you knew it wasn't going to be the same as before, why were you still trying?

Because you couldn't handle Vada out of your life, she had been a part of it for quite a while, it's become all you know. Without her there, who were you going to talk to? You would be alone without her and that's a reality you don't want to face.

Vada took back almost all the stuff that she had given you, it felt terrible but you understood and let it happen.

There would be nights where you would look back on your old relationship, but you've grown out of it since, getting on with life. You've most past it, well, most of it. There's just this little part of your heart that misses it.

You couldn't tell if you missed having someone to talk to or if you missed Vada.

But even if it was the latter, you never dared to say something about it, there was a part of you that didn't want anyone to know how you felt. You've already confronted the fact that you and Vada were never going to work out again, so what's the point of telling people?

After a few more months, the two of you stopped talking completely. Not a single text except for happy birthdays.

Not even Christmas'.

There were days that you itched to text her, just one word. Doesn't matter what. But you never did. The two of you walked past each other as if there was nothing there. It made your heart pang in a way that you wished never existed.

You never would've thought that the two of you would end up like this.

But that's reality for you.

And there was nothing you could do to change it.

lowk but very highk a rant


i wanted to add in another fight scene but i dont remember what i had planned...

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