My heart won't start anymore, jo

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The record breaks, 90s- ish au

Now Playing: You're Losing Me - Taylor Swift

"Yeah, Jenna and I? We're the best." Your voice was scratchy, before it changes pitch and rewinds. "W-we're the best." Rewind. "We're the best." Then there was a click, and a power off. 

The tape ejected, a harsh blow towards the tape before being put back inside. It powers on. Your smiling face illuminated the room. "So, tell me about this new girlfriend?" A male voice, the interviewer. "I think you're so brave to come out in a time like this."

"Th- thank you," The tape was fucked up, it wasn't working as well as it used to, constantly being rewind and played. "I-" The player spat the tape out. With a sigh, another tape was forced back into the player. 

"My name is y/n l/n, and I'm here with my girlfriend, Jenna Ortega." Rewind. "I'm here with my girlfriend, Jenna Ortega." Rewind again, and again, and again. The tape was ejected. 

Instead of another tape being forced back into the player, the TV shut off, shuffling went around. The needle slid on top of the record as it span, slowly producing the soft sound of your voice as you sang.

"I want to wear h-" A dip in the pitch of your voice. The record was warped, overplayed too much. "On a chain 'round my-" Another dip. It just kept on changing pitch, just like the tapes. 

Another record was placed on the player. "I was enchan-" The record was shaking, tilting side to side as it span. "Please don't be-" A snap. They were all warped. All of them were warped, unusable, unplayable.

She fell to her knees, finally giving out, hands covering her eyes as she broke out into sobs. She forced herself up, she needed to look through the box. There has to be something left, something unbroken. Something that she can continue to listen for forever and ever.

Tears are streaming and sliding down her cheeks. All she can feel is regret. Regretting what she last said to you. Her shaky hands stumbled as she picked up a picture. It was of the two of you, a faded polaroid picture. Your arm was around her shoulder, big grins on both of your faces, makeup was slightly smudged due to sneaking off just moments prior. Faintly, there's a slight shine from the necklace that you had started wearing when the two of you started dating. It was a silver dainty chain with a little charm that had a 'J', you cherished it, almost never took it off.

You were so happy, so lively in that picture. A tear drop fell onto the picture, causing her to blink and tuck the photo back into the box. After rummaging through the box some more, she gave out, going to head towards the TV in the living room. She flopped onto the couch, turning it on. 

"Are you okay?" She looked up to see her roommate, Emma, holding a glass of wine with a concerned face. 

They both look at the TV. "Today marks the-" Emma quickly grabbed the remote, shutting off the audio. 

"I'm taking it that you aren't." Emma sat beside her, positioning herself so she was facing the other girl. "Jenna, please don't tell me you were in the basement." Emma could see the tears gathering in her eyes, she could see how hard Jenna was trying her hardest not to cry. 

Without noticing, Emma shifted on the couch which clicked the audio button on the remote. "Actress and singer Y/n L/n's," At the sound of your name, they both turned toward the TV. "Newest song; You're Losing Me." Jenna felt her heart drop as the screen turned into you at the studio. You looked so tired, so done. 

You say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"
We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu