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Disclaimer: I don't own any BTS members, their images, lyrics, quotes, videos, or other content mentioned in this book—they belong to their respective owners

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Disclaimer: I don't own any BTS members, their images, lyrics, quotes, videos, or other content mentioned in this book—they belong to their respective owners. However, the plot ideas itself is entirely my creation.

📝For editing purposes I might make some use of tools like grammaly or quilbot for grammar / spelling checks, or Tools for  paraphrasing complex sentences and some difficult descriptions as English is not my home language. There will still be various errors in the text.

So don't reproduse, copy, or translate any of my story ideas without my permission.

The story I've crafted takes place in an alternate universe where the members of BTS are CEOs of big companies. It's all for entertainment purposes.

Remember that this is an alternate reality, so the personalities of the BTS members might not be entirely accurate, though I'll try my best.

This story has plenty of graphics to help visualize the settings, but I also provide written descriptions.

Just a heads-up, this book touches on themes of depression.


All rights reserved.

Banner:  Pastelskies15

Banner:  Pastelskies15

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