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1 week later...

A week had passed. Hazel was back at work after a few tough days with her period, and Mason was already on his way to Wembley with his teammates, ready to play in the FA Cup final against Liverpool.

He had been feeling a bit nervous the past few days, but he was feeling a lot more nervous now. They had lost two times before, and they can't allow it to happen again.

While sitting in the bus, he was texting Hazel. They had texted a lot the last few days, even face timing before bed. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to go on that date she had planned because of busy schedules, but texting and FaceTime seemed like a pretty good distraction for now.

Texts between
Mason and Hazel
5 p.m

So I heard you're gonna

I've already turned the
tv on here at the
restaurant 😌

That's what I like to hear
It must be packed there?

Yeah but luckily most
are just here for drinks

I could use one right now 😅

Stop stressing Mase
You've got this!

I know but it's still easier
said than done you know

Yeah I know
Just do what you can, ok?
I'm rooting for you 🫶

Thanks H💙


Hazel had her eyes glued to the television that was hanging on the wall in front of her. Like her customers, she was watching the game, very focused, but also making sure to not distract herself from work.

It was the second half, and it was equal between both teams. It wasn't a surprise; it's always like this between Chelsea and Liverpool, and many started to think it would go down on penalties.

"Any luck?" Anna asked Hazel as she looked at the TV screen too.

"Same same so far," Hazel sighed. She wanted Chelsea to win for Mason. He had worked for it and deserved it; that's all she could think of.

Meanwhile, a million thoughts were going through Mason's head. This wasn't an easy game; all of them knew it was going to be hard, but Mason was frustrated. They had missed many good opportunities, and he wasn't happy with himself for how he was playing.

Things eventually turned into extra time, and Mason kept playing while others had been substituted. He was fighting on that pitch like it was the last game he would play, but it was to no use. The game had ended as predicted. It was now down on penalties.

Back at the restaurant, where the atmosphere had become very tense, Hazel and Anna sat down to watch the penalties. At this point, everyone at the restaurant had their eyes on the screen. There were mixed fans—some were Chelsea and some were Liverpool—so Hazel and Anna also had to make sure to not let fights escalate.

One by one, the players took their pens until it was Mason's turn. If he scores, Chelsea will win, so it was all down to him. Hazel became very nervous for him; the last thing he needed was to miss a pen; he had just come back to play football.

"Come on, Mase," Hazel mumbled under her breath. She closed her eyes, too nervous to look. She waited to hear the reactions around her, and as she did, it did not sound pretty.

She opened her eyes and looked at the screen. The camera was zoomed in on Mason, who looked broken. He had missed his penalty, which led to Liverpool scoring their last one to take home the trophy. Her heart broke for him.

This was not going to be easy to recover from.

Lost souls | Mason MountOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz