❗️Important message ❗️

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If you're here, it means you've finished reading this book. I rushed into finishing this book because I've felt very unmotivated writing it and just needed to get it done.

Recently I've been feeling unwell mentally and physically. I've had tough weeks in uni and things aren't getting better. It's not just uni, there are other factors to like social media and topics that have been worrying me for so long and taken over my thoughts.

I'm constantly stressed, worried, I feel tired all the time and it's made me feel like shit honestly.

That's why I'm taking a break, I don't know for how long but it's going to be until I feel better. That's why I rushed into finishing this book, because I know I won't update, and for the people who read this book, you deserve a beautiful end of it.

My Mason Mount imagine book might be updated now and then, I love writing that book because I can express my feelings in those stories, maybe I won't post as often but I will definitely not leave it alone.

But this book is officially finished and I'm so thankful for everyone who's been reading it. It means the world to me.

Thank you for everything, hopefully it won't take too long for me to be ok again. Until then, have a continued nice day and future days, and like always, up the Chels💙

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