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Mason was having a slow morning. Now that he wasn't going to training, he really didn't have a reason to wake up early, and he didn't have anywhere else to be.

The first day of being home and starting to heal, he tried occupying himself with watching Netflix and making himself breakfast, but it didn't turn out successfully.

He found himself checking the time every two minutes, realizing it had only been an hour since he actually got out of bed, even though it had felt like a longer time for him.

He didn't have much to do other than actually go back to the cemetery. As difficult as it was to visit his grandfather, he now could feel at least a bit more excited, knowing that the mystery girl would be there, or at least he would hope so.

He decided to go by walking instead of taking the car with him; the cemetery wasn't that far anyways, and he could use some time for himself, enjoying the sunny weather with headphones on and blasting his favorite songs.

The walk took about 30 minutes, but he liked it a lot; it definitely felt like less than 30. He walked his way to the cemetery, but his steps slowed as he saw the ginger-haired girl sitting on a bench right in front of him.

The bench was facing the cemetery and was high up, with stairs taking you down to the graves. The view was beautiful up there, but also a bit depressing, considering it was a cemetery.

The girl's back was facing him. She was looking over the whole cemetery from up there, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Mason thought about his actions for a second: should he take the courage and greet her, hoping a conversation would be built, or should he walk past her and walk down the stairs to visit his grandfather's grave?

After a few seconds of thinking, he managed to build up the courage to greet her. You only live once, so you better take your shot and hope for the best.

He took a few steps; the gravel ground didn't help at all. The sounds of his steps were loud, causing her to look his way after hearing his footsteps.

"Hi," he said, suddenly feeling like everything was awkward and maybe he just made himself look like a creep.

"Hey," she responded with a smile on her face, seeming like she wasn't bothered by the greeting at all. It did calm him down for a split second.

"Mind if I sit?" He found the courage to ask her, still shocked that he was able to even talk to such a pretty girl.

"Not at all," she replied, keeping the smile on her face as she made space for him.

"Thank you," Mason smiled back as he took a seat, feeling himself relax now that the worst part was over.

They both sat there in silence, neither of them knowing what to say, especially Mason, who had taken a seat next to her out of nowhere. He felt the needed to say something to not look like a creep who just wanted to sit next to her out of all the other places in the cemetery.

"You come here often?" He broke the silence, aware of how stupid the question was—it's a cemetery after all, and obviously she comes here often.

She chuckled slightly; she could tell he was nervous by the way he had been fiddling with his fingers for the past few minutes in silence. "Yeah, I try to. My mom only passed a few days ago, so I guess it's normal to come here in the beginning," she explained as she kept her eyes on the view in front of her. She didn't expect herself to be so open about it, but it felt good talk to a stranger and let her feeling out without being judged.

As for Mason, he felt his heart break for her. Even if he didn't know her, he knew that losing a mother would possibly be the worst kind of pain for a person to deal with. He could never imagine losing his mom.

Lost souls | Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now