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The sky was slightly dark blue; you could tell summer was almost here and that the sky would no longer be pitch black at night.

Mason was debating whether or not to go to the party that Ben had planned for his friends and teammates. If it weren't for the spamming from him and the others, Mason wouldn't have thought about going, but maybe he did need to go. Escape the house for a bit; get a bit distracted.

He put on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt; it was still a bit cold outside, so he made sure to also put on a black jacket that would suit the outfit; not that he cared much, but he definitely didn't want to look like someone who had no sense of style.

Lastly, he grabbed his phone and his car keys, ready to head to his friends house and do whatever there was to do. He parked a bit farther away since there were plenty of cars there already.

He took himself up the stairs to the front door, ignoring the people outside, and with just one step inside, he was greeted by Ben, who had secretly been waiting.

"Money maseee, you made it," he pulled him into a hug. Mason could tell Ben was already drunk from the way he was acting.

Mason let out a soft chuckle as he hugged Ben back. "Everyone's here, and don't forget to grab a drink," he said, slightly pushing Mason towards the kitchen.

Mason didn't feel like drinking; even if he wanted to, he couldn't because he brought his car with him. He took a seat at the kitchen table; the lights were on, but the music was still loud. He already regretted this.

"Ah, look who's here," Jayden slurred. Mason looked up; he regretted this even more now.

"What's up, man?" Jayden greeted him with a fist bump. "All good, bro," Mason answered with a fake smile.

"Here, drink this." Jayden grabbed a bottle of beer and gave it to Mason, but he quickly denied it. "I'm not drinking,"

"Oh, come on, live a little," Jayden whined with a chuckle as he kept holding the bottle close to Mason for him to take it.

"I'm driving; I can't." Mason grabbed the bottle and placed it in front of him.

"Listen, I know you're hurting, but alcohol is definitely going to fix it," Jayden slurred. Mason could tell he was very drunk, but he definitely wasn't surprised Jayden would say and do something like this.

"I'll drink later," Mason lied before he walked away from him, taking himself upstairs to Ben's room; luckily no one was there so he closed the door and took a seat on his bed.

He sat there for a while just thinking, like usual. Nothing was fun anymore; hanging out with his close friends wasn't fun, he could barely spend time with his family without feeling awful. Everything was just boring in his eyes right now, and nothing could really fix it.

After a few minutes of thinking, he took himself downstairs again, surprised by Ben who grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the living room. "I want you to meet someone," he said excitedly.

Mason sighed as he saw what he was talking about. A bunch of girls were sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

"Girls, here he is!" Ben shouted, receiving cheers and clapping from the girls, they were definitely drunk too, who wasn't at this point? Mason rolled his eyes as Ben pushed him over and made him sit next to a blonde girl.

He plastered a fake smile on his face as the girls greeted him, and he introduced himself too, even if it wasn't necessary because they already knew who he was.

Ben took a seat in front of him, with a girl wrapped around him; he was loving this. This was his thing nowadays: going out with different girls everyday, not caring about what the media would say. Mason never understood that behaviour from him.

This wasn't like Mason at all, he was feeling very uncomfortable in this environment all of a sudden. It was all wrong in his head, and it wasn't a distraction at all.

"So, you play with Ben, right?" The girl next to him  asked as she had her hand on his thigh, rubbing her thumb over the material of his jeans.

"Yup," Mason nodded, answering probably one of the most stupid questions he'd been asked. Obviously, he played with Ben.

"You seem a bit tense; want me to help you relax?" she whispered in his ear, making him even more uncomfortable. She lifted her hand up to his cheek, slightly turning his head towards her. Their lips were only a few inches away.

"no I'm good," he nervously said as he turned his head away, not interested at all.

"Mase, come on, bro," Ben encouraged him, but Mason wasn't having it.

"I'm actually tired," Mason said, standing up from his seat, ready to go home. Sleeping was better than this, for all he cared.

"Man, come on, what's up?" Ben followed after.

"I'm tired," Mason half-lied.

"No, you're not," he grabbed Mason's shoulder, turning him around.

"Can you let me go home, Ben? I've had enough of this shit. This is not helping me," Mason said loud and clear.

"I'm just trying to help," Ben said confused of
Mason's reaction, he slowly removed his hand from his shoulder to not provoke him more.

"I don't need help; just let me deal with it on my own, I don't need girls to distract myself, don't force me into that shit," Mason raised his voice slightly, before he left Ben's house.

It wasn't all Ben's fault that Mason came to the party; it was his choice after all, but at the same time, he felt pressure, because if he didn't go, then people would maybe talk behind his back about how much of a depressed guy he is, and the last thing he wanted was to hear people talk about how weak he was.


AN: This chapter was mainly of Mason but things will slowly develop and more things will happen. Thank you for reading 🫶

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