Tom: hey babe, how are you? How was that race yesterday? I heard the blonde in the posters won. What are you doing today?

She had looked at her phone and Maya had looked at her.

- "Answer him... Maybe he wanted to see you today..."

- "he tells me about you..."

- "what do you mean?"

- "he tells me that he saw that the blonde in the posters won."

- "ah..."

- "is it normal to be upset? He talks about you and it makes me mad because you're not the blonde from the posters, you're Maya Bishop, you're the person I'm in love with and he gets to talk about you... And I don't want him to talk about you... You're mine."

- "hey amore, it's nothing"

- "it's nothing? You know he told me that you're not bad and that we could have a threesome?"

- "huh?"

- "I kept looking at this poster and you're falling all over it... And he asked me if I was into girls... And he said he wouldn't mind. And the first thing I thought was that there was no way he was going to touch you. It wasn't even the fact that my boyfriend was proposing a threesome or that he was suggesting touching another girl or whatever, it was the fact that he was suggesting touching you, and that I might give a shit about him if you were in front of me..."

- "Carina, he's ignorging all this... I'm going to surprise myself, but answer him... And if you... If you want to go to him, I, I understand."

-"I want to stay with you... I could show you around London"

- "now that I've won and my face is on TV?"

- "well ok, maybe not a good idea to visit London... But I want to stay with you. Unless you have plans..."

- "no, tomorrow before and after the medals I'll have interviews but that's it... Answer him"

- "ok..."

Babe: hey stranger, that race was amazing. That blonde, whose name is Maya by the way, is awesome, you know she had a sprain when she won? Today I was planning to call Andrea and Gabri, you know I miss them. Maybe we can see each other tomorrow? Before I go back to my revisions? I promise next week I'll be all yours.

The answer had not been long to arrive.

Tom: I'm a lucky guy Carina DeLuca. Impressive? Don't leave me for her, lol. Tomorrow it's fine with me, you tell me where and when.

- "I shouldn't have said that..."

- "what did you say?"

- "I talked about you and how impressive you were... But he just told me not to leave him for you"

- "love..." Maya said as she came to take Carina by the waist.

-"I'm a horrible girlfriend".

- "it's not like we can't feel what we feel for each other."

- "isn't your dad going to say anything about you spending your day locked in this room with me?"

- "my dad is way too happy to be thinking about me, the me of today, he's probably thinking about the me of tomorrow, the one with the medal around her neck, the next time I leave this room I'll probably be the face of a sneakers or they'll see my face on cake packages... And I was pretty clear with him yesterday, I'll sign any contract he wants, but today he's forgetting about me. My phone is off, even though Andy is trying to reach me."

The Reunion (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now