Part 76: American Lady

Start from the beginning

His look turned to one of concern. "Oh, how did that go?"

Your mind's eye reflects on the meeting. "Some are curious, some are threatened. They asked if I wanted anything or planned to make changes. I have been."

He went still. "You have?"

"Well, yes, I'm updating and expanding the library at our elementary school, and I'm reopening a business and turning it into a hostel with a library and all day café-nothing like the Red Lion. Just bunkbeds, tea sandwiches, soups and pastries all day, a collegiate feel. And I'm looking to open a clinic."

"That's a lot!"

"It's what is needed," you say. "The Red Lion is really nice, but if we want to catch the college students or their visitors this may work. Oxford isn't far, you know, so I am in talks with Plantlet, our closest secondary school in the next town for some funding...I'm excited."

He raises an eyebrow. "They want this—"

"They've been wanting to develop, and I can help."

"So how are you paying for this?"

"Out of the money."

His concern returns. "You really should try to—"

"The projections for all projects is less than five million, though I'm not planning on more than seven," you shrug. "that's more than the cost of your house in California, and about a tenth of my fortune."

"You are going to make it home?"

"One of them, I think," you nod. "There is still leadership and a council of sorts, and I am not disturbing it. I am reopening a business and establishing a small medical resource, building as little as possible, but reusing or repurposing buildings. I am not dangerous to them. They want a doctor here, they don't mind rekindling a business, and I am expanding their educational resources."

"You sound like you are going to run for office, love."

"I have no desire to participate in politics of any kind," you say quickly. "I am just respecting and investing in my ancestors' birthplace."


"Lady Edenvale?" You hear Graham call.

"Uh—" You turn slowly. "Yes?"

"Dancing is starting." Graham nods respectfully.

Your eyes narrow at him.  "Alright?"

"It seems that you have a dance card?"

Henry is as incredulous as you are. "A what?"

"For charity?" Graham says. "And besides, it's impressive. Important people, people who can help with your projects for Edenvale, milady."

"I haven't even—"

"Word got around quickly," Graham chuckles softly. "The second your name was entered in the book of Lords, everyone got an announcement."

"But I'm not a member of parliament or—"

"Maybe not, milady," Graham nods. "but your fortune was untouchable. That is no longer the case now that you are here."

"I don't like the way that sounded." Henry's voice is a growl.

"Please, milady," Graham looks around as if afraid others may hear you object, then looks at you pleadingly. "for charity?"

"I guess...I should go?" you say to Henry, pleading for understanding yourself.

"I guess I'd better find that dance card," Henry gives a small smile.

"I think it's full," Graham says apologetically.

"Save the last dance," Henry tells you.

You nod. So much unsaid, you think as he walks away, noting his step is all business. What to do now? "Alright, Graham, let's go."

Just as you go back inside, you see none other than Lara Winters. When did she arrive? Was she here the whole time? Your stomach turns, and you fight your inclination to go back to Henry. Truthfully, it wasn't much a fight, with Graham pushing you along and advising about alliances and such. At the moment you couldn't care less.

The night becomes an endless dance on the floor. You barely get to talk to your friends, and Henry appears and reappears. He offers dances to help at the charity, and you see he is watching you a little every time he is on the floor with someone. You only feel upset when Lara buys a few dances but Chiru and Sophie work up a dance card for him and cut her off, stopping Sara from making selections of her own, saying it's only fair to have a list. Thank goodness for friends. Graham gives you a quick "who they are, where they're from, what they do, and why they are interested in you" rundown before they come to claim you from your chair, which never gets warm. They are surprisingly young to unsurprisingly old, but all well-mannered.

The last song played is supposed to be a jazz version of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," but then Henry goes to the DJ and talks to him.

"One more song," The DJ smiles. "I am in the spirit and truthfully, I just looked outside and it fits."

Henry walks to you and offers his hand. You stand up and he gently leads you to the floor.

"What did you do?" you giggle, almost ready to outright laugh at Graham's outrage and Wilson's amusement as Henry rocks you to the beat.

"I told you I'd have the last dance," Henry tells you, and kisses your forehead right on the floor.

You swoon against him as others join in. "It feels like they don't want us to be together, love. It feels like they're trying to pull us apart."

"Only if we let them," he nods. "So, are you coming home with me for Christmas?"

Your eyes drop. "I want to."


"I am supposed to be in Edenvale for some activities on Christmas Eve Day and attend mass."

"And you're free after?"


"Perfect," he smiles widely. "We'll drive back to London after."

"But Henry—"

He kisses your forehead again. "Let it snow, darling."

"Don't you mean let it go?" you joke in reply.

"Eh, snow, go," he rolls his eyes and whispers, rubbing noses with you. "the cold doesn't bother us anyway."

You both laugh at that, and though you want to really talk about your relationship-where it was when he left before the junket-you just want to enjoy tonight, the holidays. You just want to be in his arms.

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