Chapter 46

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One year later (Epilogue pt. 2)
Sienna's POV
I was in the middle of braiding my client's hair when I suddenly felt lightheaded. I started to sway, everything beginning to appear blurry and distorted.

"You okay, Si?" I heard a distorted voice ask.

Someone grabbed my wrist and helped me to my seat. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I kept my head down to prevent the ceiling lights from making my headache worse.

"Sienna?" I could hear GiGi's voice loud and clear. I slowly lifted my head to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," I say, dismissing the situation with a wave of my hand. "I'm fine. I think I'm just dehydrated."

One of my employees brought over a bottle of water and offered to finish the rest of my client's hair. I thanked her before opening up the water and downing nearly half the bottle.

After a minute or two had passed, my headache started to go away and I no longer felt like fainting.

Vinny, who had seen the whole thing declared me done for the day before I could have a say in the matter. "I'm taking you home."

"But I'm fine, Vin. Besides, I still have two more clients coming in."

"Would you rather I call Tristan to come and get you?" He threatened, pulling out his phone.

I shook my head and asked one of my employees to cancel my appointments, before saying my goodbyes to GiGi. "I'll call you, okay?"

"I'll watch over the salon for you."

I gave her a small smile before following Vinny out to the car. He opened the door for me, his deep brown eyes scanning our surroundings.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked once the both of us were in the car and on the road. He stared at me through the rearview mirror, his brows lowered in concern.

"Yes. I was just a little dehydrated. But I'm better now."

Vinny's eyes narrowed, shifting between the road and me in the backseat of the car. "Even so, I have to tell Tristan."

I rolled my eyes. "No, you don't. He doesn't need to know every little thing. I'm fine, so just drop it."

They all know how worried Tristan gets. One call and he's losing his shit. He doesn't need to know everything that goes on in my life. If I wanted him to know about what happened, I would tell him myself.

"With all due respect, I can't. Tristan will kill me."

"Notify him of anything and I'll kill you myself."

Vinny swallowed, realizing my threat was far worse than Tristan's. After he saw me beat a man with a hammer, he treads very lightly around me. He knows not to underestimate me.

"Yes, ma'am."

When we got back to the house, I reminded Vinny to keep what happened at the salon between us before going into the kitchen.

I was starving, so I took out the Spaghetti from last night's dinner and heated it in the microwave.

When I heard the beep of the microwave, I did a little happy dance and retrieved my food. I took in a deep breath, my stomach grumbling at the delicious smell.

I was seated at the dining table, eating my Spaghetti when Katya strolled into the kitchen with her two-month-old son in her arms. We don't see her much now that she and Angel are living in their own house.

"Aww," I cooed, melting at the sight of my nephew. He was fast asleep, hiding the adorable brown eyes he inherited from Angel. "He's getting so big."

I remember Mateo being that size. He threw a lot of temper tantrums then too. I chuckled to myself before forking more of mama's Spaghetti into my mouth.

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