Chapter 29

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Sienna's POV
I'm worried. I've checked the time on my phone an unhealthy amount of times. My worry had increased when five minutes turned into ten and ten turned into almost half an hour.

The half-naked broads that run out of the motel make me wonder what kind of sick shit they had going on there. If it wasn't drugs, then it had to be prostitution.

My spine straightens, anticipation eating me alive when I see Cyrus come out of the building.

He's on high alert as he makes his way to the car- his gun still drawn. Scooting to the far end of the car, Cyrus opens the door and slips inside.

"He's fine," he tells me, having prepared himself for the question he knew I was going to ask the moment I saw him.

A heavy sigh of relief pours out of me at the news. "Is Gianni okay?" I asked, remembering my next question.

"He's pretty shaken up, but he's going to be okay. No harm was inflicted upon the child."

"Oh, thank God."

I don't realize I'm sobbing until Cyrus places his hand on my shoulder. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I look up at him. He flashes me with a comforting smile.

A smile spreads across my own face before a frown takes its place. "What about Shäfer?"

Cyrus' brows furrowed, his teeth bared in anger. "He's still very much alive. Unfortunately."

Knowing Shäfer had slipped through our grasp yet again not only angered me but concerned me. I now had two kids to protect. And knowing how low that bastard's willing to stoop, he could very well go after Mateo next.

I didn't know whether or not I could bear going through this again. Having to constantly check my surroundings, afraid someone may ambush us. The fear of knowing my family is in danger because of who my husband is.

It's a lot.

The old me would have ran. Because running away from my problems seemed safer. At the time.

But things are different now. I'm a married woman. And as Tristan's wife, I'm not going anywhere. That's my man and I'm going to stick beside him no matter what. If I have to put a cap in a few bitch asses, then that's what I'm going to do.

I can sense Tristan's presence long before I actually see him. Something in my heart tugs as I look out the window to see Tristan walking out of the motel unscathed.

The little boy is in his arms, his head resting against Tristan's chest. His amber eyes flutter open when they reach the car, nervously analyzing me and Cyrus to figure out if we were friends or enemies.

"Va tutto bene, Giò. Puoi fidarti di loro(It's okay, Gio. You can trust them)."

Tristan is speaking to Gianni in the same soft voice he uses when talking to Mateo. It makes my heart melt because Tristan may have been a lot of things,  but he's always been great with kids. And he's a damn amazing father.

Kids always seem to gravitate toward him. Even with the criminal background and fear attached to his name, children still love him.

It's one of the reasons why I love him. And why it hasn't been easy saying no to his request for another baby. If I wasn't so focused on my career and the family I have now, I'd be popping out as many babies as he wanted.

Cyrus steps out of the car to allow the young child to sit beside me. He immediately curls up in a ball and lays his head on my lap. He exhales softly, before falling asleep.

He probably hasn't slept in days. After witnessing the brutal death of his mother and then being kidnapped, I'm sure he's relieved to finally be able to get some rest.

Tristan's gaze drifts to the little boy before settling on me. I'm not quite sure what's going through his head, but I have a gut feeling it has to do with what he's planning to do with Shäfer.

"We can worry about Shäfer later," I whisper. "Right now, we need to figure out how we're going to tell mama and Katya about the newest addition to our family."

Knowing I'm right, Tristan sighs deeply. His attention is back on the boy, who is shivering in his sleep. Tristan swiftly removes his suit jacket and drapes it over the small boy's body.

His shivering stops.

I smile at that because it reminds me of the night Tristan and I met. The smile on my face begins to falter when I think about all the shit we always seem to be going through.

I thought I knew what I would be getting myself into. I thought I could handle it. But honestly, I'm not so sure.

But then I remember the good times and the reason I said yes when he asked me to marry him. I love him. I love our family. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

I guess I'm just worried. Worried that it will all come tumbling down. And that I should've kept running instead of following my heart.

I'm pulled from my inner thoughts when I feel Tristan's rough hand on mine. I glance down, eyeing my first initial on his ring finger.

Interlacing our fingers, his thumb smooths gentle circles into my hand. "I'm not going to let anything happen to our family."

"I know," I murmur.

"Guardami(Look at me)," he urges.

I lift my gaze to his. His expression is hard and full of conviction. "I'm not going to let anything happen to our family," he reiterates firmly.

"I know, baby." I grin at him, hoping it will reassure him as he doesn't seem too convinced by my statement. I know he's just as worried, if not more than I am.

He doesn't smile.

Instead, he squeezes my hand and says, "Ti amo(I love you)." His features soften as he mumbles the words, his eyes shimmering.

"I know you do, mio amore(my love). That's why I know you will do everything you can to keep us safe."

"The blood of those Tedeschi(Germans) will spill," he snarls, his jaw clenched.

"Nessuna pietà(No mercy)," I say, making sure to keep my volume to a minimum so I don't wake Gianni.

"Nessuna pietà(No mercy)," he repeats in a low, threatening voice, each word dripping with poison.

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