Chapter 21

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"Oh," the blonde muttered in disapproval when she saw me, her smile fading fast. "You brought her too."

I gave her a small wave, wiggling my fingers with a cheeky smile plastered on my face. "His wife?" I corrected. "Yes, he did."

She frowned, looking me over. Her eyes shot back up to mine when she saw the gun strapped to my hip.

Try me, bitch. I dare you.

Tristan placed his hand on my back, the slight pressure of his hand his way of saying to behave and not start anything.

I glared up at him, letting him know with my eyes that as long as she kept her hands to herself, and didn't utter an inappropriate remark I was going to be on my best behavior.

She looked between the two of us, her deep blue eyes darting back and forth in confusion.

"Right," she murmured, before pivoting in her stilettos to escort us over to a tabeless booth located in the Strip club she owned.

She sat opposite us, watching closely as I placed my hand on Tristan's thigh. Her gaze flickered back up to Tristan's as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I was hoping you'd come alone."

"Why?" I interjected, not caring that the statement was for Tristan and not me.

She swallowed. "Well, this is business. Which doesn't happen to concern you."

"Is that so?"

She grinned politely, despite the venomous glare she was boring into me. "As the wife of the Don, you should be taking care of the house. Not here in your husband's business."

Tristan could feel the anger radiating off of me and placed his hand over mine. I just barely managed to keep my composure as I momentarily glanced at Tristan's hand.

"My husband is my business. Which means his business is my business."

"I see," she replied, turning her attention back to Tristan. "I have a request."

"I'm listening," Tristan said, sitting lazily on the couch.

I noticed the way the unfamiliar woman, who's name I didn't know nor cared to know, bit her lip as she stared at my husband.

She cleared her throat when she realized I'd caught her eye fucking him. "Um, so I need a hit out on someone."

"You couldn't handle this yourself?" Tristan asked, still irritated from the blue balls he was currently experiencing.

"No, of course not. You know I don't like getting my hands dirty." She smiled seductively. "Unless of course it's with you."

Strike one.

Tristan noticed the sexual innuendo behind her comment, but didn't care. As a matter of fact, he seemed extremely uninterested in her obvious flirtation.

"Give me a name and I'll have Cyrus take care of it."

I didn't need to turn and look at Cyrus to know he was rolling his eyes right about now. It seems he couldn't stand her either.

"I don't actually know his name." She chuckled nervously, making note of the displeased expression on Tristan's face. "But according to what the girls tell me, he's one of Heinrich Shäfer's men."

Tristan and I both perked up upon hearing that familiar name roll off her tongue.

"What happened?" Tristan asked, removing his hand from my thigh.

"A group of his men came in one night. They kept harassing my girls, which we repeatedly told them not to do. One got a little handsy and Thalia struck him."

"And what happened to her?" I questioned, wishing they hadn't pissed off an enemy of ours anymore than we had when Tristan's shipment was stolen and his men killed.

We've been trying to stay out of trouble for Mateo's sake. But everytime we are finally able to relax and let our guard down, someone else pisses us off.

The woman shifted, her blue eyes glossy from the tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Despite my dislike towards her, it was clear that she cared about her employees.

"Nothing. He threatened her life and now she's been forced to go into hiding." Her attention flickers back to Tristan. "They've been coming here every night looking for her. They've caused quite a scene, which has resulted in quite the loss of customers."

Tristan stood up, his hand slipping into mine as I rose to my feet with him.

"So will you help me?" The woman begged. "Please?" A stray tear rolled down her cheek. And just when I was about to sympathize with her, she reached over to touch Tristan's knee.

Strike two.

I didn't realize how angry I was until I mindlessly pulled out my gun and aimed it at her. She retreated quickly, her hands raised in surrender and her eyes wide with fear.

"I-I'm sorry," she sputtered out, acting like she didn't just use those crocodile tears as an excuse to put her hands on my husband.

I took my gun off safety and Tristan sighed. "Sienna."

"Oh, so you can kill anyone who even looks my way. But when I do it, I'm expected to just sit back and allow it? Fuck that! She knows exactly what she's doing!"

I was rambling on and on until I heard my name spoken a second time. "Sienna."

"What?" I retorted.

"Calmati. Per favore(Calm down. Please)."

I scoffed.

"I'm sorry," the woman apologized again. "I didn't mean any-"

"You did," Tristan cut in. "Or else why would you have scheduled a meeting with me over something that you could have requested over a phone call?"

She chose to play dumb, but I could see right through her lies. "W-What are you talking about? I didn't-"

Oh please. The nerve of this bitch.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!" He shouted, his accented voice bouncing off the walls of the strip club. "You're a lonely little cunt looking for a fuck."

She stammered once more. "Y-You don't mean that, Tristan." She shook her head.

"Actually, I do," he corrected.

I often forget how cold Tristan can be. It almost makes me care about the whore's feelings. Almost.

More crocodile tears fell from her eyes, ruining her makeup as she watched us walk away.

"What about my request?"

"Handle it yourself."

We were heading out the door, but stopped when we heard a young child call out to their mother.


The little boy's small voice reminded me of Mateo, so I slowly turned to get a look at him. I couldn't see his face, but could tell he had to be around five or six years old.

The woman hugged him to her chest, while ruffling his dark curls. "I told you to wait in my office, honey."

The child mumbled something incoherently and the woman kissed his forehead. "Go back to my office. I'll be there shortly."

"Did you know she had a son?" I asked Tristan.


The little boy shook his head, not wanting to leave his mother's side. She sighed and whispered something in his ear.

My heart dropped when I read her lips. She looked at me, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her painted pink lips.

She'd just mouthed the name Tristan.

Things only got worse from there when the kid turned and I saw those beautiful eyes.


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