Chapter 10

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Waking up the next morning felt like I'd been hit with a ton of bricks. I dragged my feet as I made my way into the kitchen for breakfast.

I paused in the doorway when I saw not only Manny and Tristan at the table, but an italian man and woman who looked around my age, possibly older.

I eyed Tristan. He was dressed in a black dress shirt and pants, his hair shiny and slicked back with his favorite hair gel.

He looked so clean and neat, unlike me, who so obviously looked like I'd been fucked for almost two hours straight.

"Damn," the guy with short curly black hair and a stubbled chin commented. "You look like you had quite the night last night."

Tristan kept his head down, his eyes slowly glancing up at me. A small smirk tugged at his lips. He knew exactly what he'd did to me last night. In fact, he was proud of it.

My cheeks grew warm as I ran my hands through my hair in an attempt to make myself look less like I'd been dicked down like the slut I am.

The beautiful brown eyed woman beside him elbowed him in his side. "Rio," she scolded.


They must be the cousins Tristan was telling me about. As I stared at the two of them, it all made sense. Although Rio's eyes were brown, there was no mistaking the Lucci blood that ran through his veins.

"I'm sorry for my husband," Rio's wife, Maria said, an apologetic look in her kind eyes. She went back to glaring daggers at him. "He doesn't think before he speaks."

"It's okay," I assured, giving her a polite smile before moving to sit in the open seat beside Tristan.

I looked at him, bringing my voice to a whisper so I could yell at him without our guests hearing. "Why the hell didn't you tell me they were coming so early?"

I felt so unbelievably underdressed. I was damn near half naked dressed in only Tristan's boxer briefs and one of his dress shirts.

He shrugged. "I didn't want to wake you. After last night, I figured you could use the sleep.

He wasn't wrong. I did need the sleep.

I huffed, before turning my attention back to our guests with a smile on my face. "If I had known you guys were coming this early in the day, I wouldn't have slept in as long as I did."

"No, it's totally fine." Maria blushed. "We're the ones who shouldn't have stopped by unannounced. Forgive us if we intruded in on your honeymoon."

"We didn't intrude on anything, Maria. I mean look at her. Tristan handled his business." Rio reached across the table with a proud grin to offer Tristan his fist to bump.

Tristan stared at his cousin's closed hand and frowned. "Sedersi(Sit)."

Rio plopped back down into his seat and bumped his own fist. "I see you're still as uptight as I remember, piccolo cugino(little cousin)." Rio sighed, muttering under his breath. "You'd think you would be happier now that you've gotten your dick wet."

I laughed. "Sorry to disappoint, but not even sex can remove the permanent stick up his ass."

Tristan shot me an angry look and Rio smiled. "I knew I would like you. No woman marries a grumpy fuck like my cousin without having some balls of her own."

"Not balls," I corrected. "A pussy."

His smile widened. "I see now why my cousin loves you so much." He directed his smile back to Tristan. "I hope you know you're a lucky man."

He nodded slowly, taking my hand in his tattooed one. "She wouldn't be mine if I didn't."

Maria gushed. "Awww, that's so cute."

Manny sat in silence while he ate his breakfast, a smile on his face as he watched all of us interact with one another.

It's crazy to think that this is Agostino's side of the family. They're so kind compared to the evil monster he was.

"So when are you going to introduce us to little Tristan junior?" Rio asked, changing the subject.

"Soon," Tristan answered.

"How soon? The boy is already four years old."

I've been trying to bring Mateo here for awhile. I want him to meet the rest of his family. But Tristan's super cautious about bringing him around any more of his family.

Between his father and Rafaele's betrayl, he's having issues trusting anyone other than the family and friends Mateo has been growing up around.

Tristan's grip on my hand tightened. It was his way of telling me that he was getting angry and needed my help to calm him down.

"When we're ready for you to meet him, we will let you know," I replied. "I promise."

Maria nodded. "I understand. This family. This lifestyle. It's a lot. Especially when all you're trying to is give them a normal life outside of all the chaos."

I'm so glad she understood where we were coming from. I was afraid Tristan would lose his temper and shoot his cousin.

Tristan finally loosened his grip on my hand. Despite his progress, his anger issues hasn't just magically vanished. A lot of stuff still pisses him fairly quickly.

"I hear you're expecting another baby. Your fourth boy, right?"

"Yes, we are," Maria said with a smile.

"I can't believe it's your fourth boy," I stated in surprise, wondering how in the hell she was handling all that testosterone when I could hardly handle the two I had in my life.

"We've been trying for a girl, but the Lucci men seem to only ever produce boys." She said with a angellic laugh.

"Wow," was all I could say.

Rio chuckled. "My baby is a superwoman. I don't know what I would do without her."

They were so cute. Maria couldn't stop blushing at her husband's sweet words. And the way he looked at her- damn.

I hope Tristan still looks at me like that when we've been married for as long as they have.

I looked over at Tristan with a smile just as his phone rang. My smile vanished when his did, his brows furrowing when he saw the name on his phone.

"Mi scusi(Excuse me)." He stood up, stepping away from the table and leaving the dining room to take his call.

I frowned, because I knew that the caller had to be calling about business. Tristan promised he wouldn't discuss work, or be involved in anything work related while we were on our honeymoon.

"Is everything okay?" Uncle Manny asked, everyone at the table having noticed the concerned look on Tristan's face.

"Yeah," I told him with a nod, not entirely convinced myself.

I told the guys not to call Tristan about anything unless it was an emergency.

Tristan came back into the dining room with his hand tightly coiled around his phone, his jaw clenched in anger.

"What's wr-"

"Go pack," he interrupted.


"There's an issue I need to handle, so we're going back home."

"What issue?"

"Sienna, please just go do what I ask."

I stood up, my heart beginning to race as my next question flew out of my mouth. "Is Mateo okay?"

"Mateo is fine. Now please, baby. I'm really trying to keep my temper under control. So can you please go get your shit, so we can go?"


"Thank you."

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