Chapter 3

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I had fallen back asleep -this time in my seat- so I didn't realize our long flight had finally come to an end until I heard Tristan's voice.

"Sienna, it's time to wake up. We're here."

I didn't want to wake up. His shoulder was so comfortable. I whined in protest. "Just a few more minutes."

"I love you, but I will leave you."

My eyes flew open, my voice small. "You would really leave your wife?" I asked with a pout of my lips.

He shook his head. "Never. I only said that because I knew it would get your attention. Now come on, you can sleep in the car."

He waited until I lifted my head to stand and help Cyrus grab our bags. I rubbed my eyes, trying to force myself awake. I was still so tired.

I took off my seatbelt and stood up. It took me a second to adjust to being awake, before I eventually moved my feet.

It wasn't until I had gotten off the plane that it really registered where we were. Venice, Italy. It was so beautiful this time of year. The leaves had turned to a variety of fall colors. From various shades of yellow and reds to orange and purples.

It was a beautiful sight, especially with the sun beginning to set. We were six hours ahead, so the time difference was definitely going to take some getting used to.

I can't believe I've never been here. My mother, who's Italian, grew up here. It's where she met my dad, who was studying abroad in college.

Tristan, who although born in New Jersey, is one hundred percent Italian. Both his parents were born here, but moved to America just before Tristan was born.

I don't know why they moved. I just know that Tristan traveled back and forth frequently to visit some of his family.

Which is actually who we are on our way to see. Tristan wanted us to stay in a hotel of some kind, but I've never met his extended family and have been dying to do so.

He was pretty upset that we wouldn't be getting as much privacy as he'd liked on our honeymoon. But I told him I'd make it up to him.

I hooked my arm around his, an excited smile on my face. "I can't wait to meet your family and explore the city."

We got into the black Escalade that had been waiting for us, Tristan resting his hand on my thigh after we put our seatbelts on.

Once we were out of the airport and driving through the bustling streets of the city, I admired the architecture, narrow pathways, winding canals, and bridges. I admired how beautiful the water looked under the pinks, yellows, and blues of the sky and setting sun. I admired how the city enveloped me in peace, "mother nature" welcoming me with open arms.

Everything about this place was beautiful. It was breathtaking. And I hoped to one day bring Mateo here. He would love it, especially around this time of year. He loves Fall.

My nose was nearly pressed up against the cool glass of the window, my mouth slightly agape as we passed by the lights decorating the city.

Tristan would comment every so often about the place, informing me of famous buildings and landmarks. He'd talk about the places him, his cousin, and Katya would go whenever they were hungry, wanting hang out, or just to get away from it all.

"So your cousin is in the Mafia too?" I asked, focused on the couple enjoying a romantic boat ride in the canal.

"Mhm. Him and my uncle handle business here, so I don't have to travel back and forth."

"That makes sense." I tore my gaze away from the couple holding hands and staring lovingly into each other's eyes. "You haven't visited in so long. Why is that?"

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