Chapter 22

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Tristan's POV
I stood there in utter shock as I watched the boy scamper off. I was frozen in place until I felt Sienna pull her hand away from mine.

The action hurt like hell, but it didn't prepare me for the agony I would feel when I looked her in her eyes. Those hazel green eyes were filled with so much betrayl and heartache.

It crushed my soul.

"Mia cara(my dear)..."

She didn't say a word as she shook her head and walked away from me. I wanted to scream out that the child wasn't mine, but the resemblance was painstakingly obvious.

I balled my hand into a fist, feeling a range of emotions.

"Boss?" Cyrus murmured.

"Go with Sienna," I ordered.

I needed to exchange a few words with Rachel. Because there is no way in hell that child is mine.

Even so, the resemblance is pretty damn uncanny. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that the kid had Lucci blood running through his veins.

But how?

"What did you do, Rachel?"

She crossed her left leg over her right and smiled that sly smile of hers. It pissed me off to the point that I wanted to empty every last one of my bullets in her head.

"I didn't do anything, Tristan. You weren't supposed to know about him. At least not yet anyway."

"I swear if you tell me that kid is-"

"He's not yours," she interrupted.

"What? Then who's-"

"You're not the only Lucci I've fucked." She stood up, her hips swaying dramatically as she approached me.

What the hell did she mean by that?

She reached for my tie and I grabbed her wrist. "Touch me and I'll break it."

She ripped her hand free, the mischievous smile on her face never wavering. "I love it when you're pissed. The sex becomes more aggressive."

I was done being nice. So I grabbed her by her hair and pulled. She fell to her knees, gasping from the pain. Tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to break free of my hold.

"Keep fucking with me and I'll kill you and the damn kid," I threatened.

I wasn't going to hurt the kid. Now her... maybe.

Her eyes widened at my threat. "You stopped paying attention to me when that bi-" I glowered down at her, daring her to finish that sentence. She corrected herself immediately. "-your wife entered the picture. So to get revenge, I started fucking the next best thing." Her smile returned. "Who knew papa Lucci had it in him?"

I knew my father was a whore, but to learn that he'd fathered a child? I wasn't sure what to do with that sort of information.

My grip on her hair tightened. "Are you lying to me?"

She winced from the pain. "No," she forced out. "Gianni is Agostino's son."

"Does the kid know?"

"No, he doesn't. I didn't want him or Agostino to know about each other."

This is some fucked up bullshit. Everytime I get to a place of living drama-free and happy with my family, more bullshit falls out of the damn sky.

"Call the kid back out here."

Tears fell from her eyes. "Tristan... no."

"Do not fucking make me repeat myself," I barked, on the verge of burning this whole building to the ground with her in it.

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