Chapter 19

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The building was way bigger in person. There was enough space for me to bring my vision to life. I was excited to see my dreams come true before my very eyes.

"Wow. This is incredible," GiGi commented, her mouth agape as she took in the spacious building.

I still couldn't believe this was mine. Tristan knows I'm an independent woman who'd rather work to earn than to have it without ever putting in the work. But this was a gift I wouldn't dare turn down.

Mateo ran around the room, his arms flying and his curls bouncing. He had a smile on his face, excitement flickering in his golden brown eyes. He was just as excited as I was.

As I eyed the room, I could lucidly see how I was going to decorate. It was like the images in my head were floating off the pages in a book and decorating itself.

A smile formed and I let out a sigh of content.

I'm so close to owning my own hair and nail salon. It's truly a wonder I haven't fainted yet.


After checking out the place, Angel decided to take us out to eat to celebrate. And because Mateo wouldn't stop whining about how hungry he was, even though he'd already eaten two fruit snacks and some animal crackers that he had stowed away in his backpack.

The kid has a bottomless pit for a stomach.

"Are you happy now?" I asked, watching him do a little happy dance while he ate his chicken tenders.

He nodded his head, a smile plastered on his face. I turned my attention to GiGi just as she asked Angel about Katya. I rolled my eyes at her nosiness, the girl blind to Angel's shyness.

He cleared his throat, his cheeks red as he chugged down more of his water glass. He then shot a quick glance in my direction and I shook my head. 

I didn't tell GiGi anything. She figured it out all on her own. Which didn't take a genius, because they are terrible at hiding their relationship.

"Don't worry," GiGi says when she catches the look Angel gives me. "I won't tell a soul."

Angel's hazel eyes were back on me, seeking reassurance in her word. I nodded and he let out a deep sigh of relief.

After a minuscule silence, GiGi was asking a follow up question. "But don't you think you should tell Tristan?"

Angel swallowed, the color from his face draining. "I can't. He'll kill me."

I wasn't even going to try and convince Angel other wise. Tristan wouldn't even bat an eye. As soon as he hears about Angel and Katya, all you will hear is the ringing silence of a gun that had just gone off.

But at the same time, that's why I think they should tell him as soon as possible. He catches them or hears about it from someone else, he's going to lose his mind.

So maybe hearing the news from them, especially seeing firsthand how in love they are with one other, he won't feel so inclined to kill.

But you never know with Tristan.

"You love Katya right?" I asked, deciding to join in on the conversation.

Angel's gaze was now on me. His gaze softened, a small smile spread across his face. "With my whole heart. I'd do anything for her."

Seeing him so in love reminded me of Tristan. You don't see it often, but when he gets all mushy like this, it reminds me why I fell in love with him in the first place.

I nodded my head slowly. "Tell Tristan that, and I guarantee you'll be fine."

Angel's smile stretched, faint lines creasing his boyish features. "Can you come with me? You know, just in case it all backfires?"



When we got back home, it was later than we thought it was going to be. So we had to tip toe and keep quiet as not to wake anyone up.

I was saying goodnight to Angel when I noticed Tristan fast asleep on the couch. He was seated upright, his head hung low as he peacefully slept.

With Mateo asleep in my arms, I made my way over to Tristan and kissed him on his head.

His eyes slowly flutter open, exposing those captivating golden brown eyes of his. "Mia cara(my dear)?" He whispered, his voice heavy with sleep.

"Sì(Yes). I'm sorry I'm late, love. I hope you're not mad at me for missing dinner."

I told him about about how we ended up going out to eat and losing track of time. And then how my phone died so I wasn't able to get in touch with him.

And knowing how he gets, he was probably losing his mind.

He eyed Mateo in my arms and rose to his feet to take him. He held his head to his chest, rocking him slowly as if he were still an infant.

"It's okay, baby," he whispered, a slight rasp in his voice that had me pooling in my underwear. "I'm not mad. Angel already let me know."

Right. Of course.

He turned, heading for the stairs. "I'll put Mateo to bed. Go wait for me in our room."

I cracked a smile. He's practically sleep walking and yet, still seems to have enough energy to be in the mood for sex.

While Tristan went to go put Mateo in his bed, I made my way up the steps and down the hall to our room. Since I was out all day, I decided to enjoy a nice shower before I pass out from exhaustion.

I was tying my scarf onto my head when I reentered the room to find my bed still empty.

So knotted the laces on my robe and walked out to check on him. I peeked my head into Mateo's room to find Tristan had once again fallen asleep in our son's little bed.

His frame was significantly larger, so he took up most of the bed and his long legs dangled off the opposite end.

Chuckling to myself, I shook my head at the two of them. They were snuggled close to one another like a bear trying to keep their cub warm. It put a smile on my face.

Before leaving the two of them to get their rest, I made sure to drape a blanket over them and give them each a goodnight kiss.

They stirred but didn't wake, too enveloped in the deep sleep they were having. Smiling longingly at them once more, I then took my leave and went to bed.

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