Meeting with the deligates

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                   Meera's pov

Our project who was hacked and misguided by some people is now going to complete and we have our full faith that our work can satisfied our client.

Today we have a meeting with them as a new hacker i thought i will not be present in that meeting but sid sir told me that mr Rathore want me their as i have done a lot lof work on them,
Also our company decided to tell them about the wrong doing or unethical act that we have to face.

I was preparing for the presentation since a week i got to know about this i just want that everything goes well and i can get the chance to celebrate it with my friends.

I went to office, the environment was slightly tense everyone was busy preparing for important meeting.

I walk upto my desk and sat down with working on the laptop, seeing me rohan come towards me.

" hey beautiful done with the presentation" he asked.

" yes, ppt is done but i am feeling nervous you know its my first time to work here and so" i let out a sigh.

" hey meera dont be nervous, you are great you can do it girl " my other friends said coming from behind.

" ya hope so guys just wish me luck" i smile at them.

" All the best meera " they all said together.

"Thank you guys and bye i gotta go" i said and walk upto elevator to go in meeting room.

I was tapping my feet in nervousness and waiting for elevetor door to close when someone enter and i look upto the guy to see my boss mr rathore, i was feeling nervous but now i am feeling anaxious what is he doing here what does he want now.

" good morning sir" i wish him formally,
He look upto me up and down and i feel he is checking me out then amuse smile placed on his face.

What is amusing at my appearance i am feeling anaxious and he is seeing that funny it is important meeting for his company and everyone is pressurized and tense but he looks so chill and relax.

I know now why he is a ceo man he can handle any pressure and deal with them, thats the quality business man should have.

" good morning miss meera" he said after a while and i come out of my thought land.

I shook my head in acceptance and got busy with my phone while i can feel someones gaze on me.

Mr Rathore is looking at me when i saw him the emotions in his eye was something different i cant take a name but that just got changed and his cold eyes look at the door thats when elevator stop and door open making us going out upto the meeting room.

I was just enetering the room when mr Rathore spoke " All the best meera dont be nervous you have solve the problem so you can give their answer as well" he tell me with so much confidence that i immediately got convinced and nodded a thanks and get in.

A meeting go upto three hours firstly talking about the problem and solution then giving them answers after solving the issue they talk about their next plan and i feel so good that i get to learn a lot from this meeting.

I was happy some deligates even praise me for my presentation and hacking skills, i got a lot of compliment from my colleagues as well.

We were packing our stuff to get home after office when mr sharma walk in to tell us that our company is holding a party to celebrate our success and this meeting as a victory.

Talking about party it was my first official party that too a big victory party with themes and designs and what not again i got worried now what should i do about those clothes and makeup i really dont like to do makeup and all stuff and going to party and judging people throwing comments on them is not my thing.

I was also introduced to sameer he is manager in passionnis, sid sir said he manage every meeting and parties also other important work.

But mr sharma adamantly told that everyone have to present at the party when i ask about skipping as i want to rest, he told me he will give me one day for rest i have to go to party as our business delicates will be present their and they will ask about us.

Knowing my dilemma my friend told me they will help me get ready and told me everything about the party and stuff i feel really lucky to have them.

My friends discuss about party and what to wear how to go etc and we decided to ho shopping together as it will be good choice to share our opinion get best for us.

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