Fateful Reunion

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"I already have everything I desire, I can't possibly have more" Past Grey said. Of which was somewhat true, he already had food, water, shelter, a mentor, what more could he ask for? Black on the other hand sighed due to the stubbornness of past Grey

"I see. Then allow me to make a suggestion. I've paid close attention to your eye movements to know that you have taken a certain liking to my hat" Black said. To which Grey flinched at the mention

"Y-Yes that is true" Past Grey admitted. Black then proceeded to create a replica of his traffic cone. This cone however bore a purple colouring with 2 white stripes surrounding it. To which Grey looked in awe at the object before him, it was as if it was made just for him

"Would you like to receive one for yourself as your prize?" Black asked. And with a beaming expression from within his helmet, Grey accepted

"I'd be more than honoured to accept it" Grey said as he took the cone from his mentors hands before carefully placing it atop his own head

"This marks the rebirth of your new life. You are no longer the child lost within the dark. Be proud of your new identity, Grey the Impostor" Black said. Grey straightened his posture before responding

"I will never disappoint you. Master"

Present Grey witnessed this scene of the past with great satisfaction. Such a moment in time was what Grey had lived for. And he wouldn't give it up for even the world

That was until he was suddenly forcibly awoken from his unconsciousness. Grey slowly opened his eyes to see the bright light of the sun above. There laid both Maroon and White standing over him. The both of them showing visibly concerned expressions for the boy. Grey gradually risen from his slumber, he surveyed his surroundings to notice that they were located in a rather urban alleyway

"Thank god your alive Grey! Didn't think you'd make it bud" White exclaimed joyfully. To which Maroon proceeded to scoff

"Don't underestimate him White. He's gone through Black's rigorous training, of course he'd make it through" Maroon pridefully said. Being fully aware of the limitations of humans had never clouded his judgement of Grey ever since the day of his introduction

"I thank you for not giving up on me. Now what information have you two obtained during my slumber?" Grey asked. White could only shy away at the question as he hadn't even done that to begin with. Leaving Maroon to handle the explanation

"Straight to the point huh. This place sure ain't the earth of those humans. While it certainly does have bits of old technology, I don't sense as much pollution as when I arrived there last time" Maroon said. To which White shot a surprised look at him, as he was just finding out about his comrades hidden ability

"You can sense pollution? How the hell does that work?!" White asked as curiosity plagued his mind. To which Maroon chuckled in memory of his youthful time

"My brother and I used to set fire to forests just to piss the humans off. And thus my obsession with global warming grew" Maroon said. A blob of lava was created in the palm of his hand. A devilish smile was formed in the Impostors chest, showcasing the evil he'd done that day

Maroon Quirk: Magmatic
Grants the ability to telekinetically control and create lava. Constant use damages the user's skin from the heat emitted. Once a specific temperature has been surpassed, the user will gain strength in all abilities the greater temperature the user is subjected to. In other words, a Boiling Point

"Wasn't being an engineering lava ninja good enough for you?" White complained. After diminishing the lava, Maroon could only give a smug look as he proceeded to spit some heat

Black Sun (MHA X AMONG US)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin