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Kongpob's Pov---------

I sighed in aggravation as I looked at the snoring man next to me. His head was drooping over to my chair, his few white and whispy strands of hair in my face as he slept. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, but simply turned the other way, ignoring him.

I was more of a peace maker than a fighter. I tended to avoid confrontation. Call me a coward if you want, but its just my way.

Well, it's not like I can't fight, it just depends on what I am fighting for really…

I was shocked out of my thoughts as I felt something hot and wet soaking through the leg of my jeans to my thigh. I screwed my face up as I saw the drop of saliva shining on my jeans, quickly unbuckling my seat belt and walking to the tiny bathroom. I was glad to find it empty as I quickly shut and locked the door behind me.

I grabbed a tissue and ran it under the tap, rubbing the mark on my jeans thoroughly. Once I was sure there would be no mark......... I had another problem......

I looked like I had wet myself !!

Not a very good thing with appear to when you have another three hours with the same people.

I sighed as I closed the toilet lid, plonking down heavily. Maybe this was just a bad omen. Honestly, there are plenty of free seats next to normal people, middle aged people who are reading or listening to music on their I Pod’s, but I get the snorer...... Go figure.

Maybe I should just get a connecting flight and go back. If I even had a choice in the matter, but I didn’t. I had to move to Chang mai, with my father, away from my past life.

I wouldn’t mind if I was choosing to go to chang Mai. But I am getting that rebellious feeling. You know, when you get told to do something but your too stubborn to do it when your told to. And you would have done it by yourself, but just because you get ordered to do it, you don’t ??....... That one.

The main problem is that I am going to meet my Dad after almost 6 years, heck !! I didn’t even remember what he looked like anymore ??

Why ??

Because my Mom and Dad dosen't live together since a long time !!

Reason ???    

Well the reason was his obsession over his work as a doctor. He used to spend the majority of his 24 hours in a day time, in the hospital, serving and saving others..... Which caused him loose his own family.

It wasn't like mom wasn't supporting his good work or responsible behaviour towards his profession and society but....  She couldn't bear that her husband doesn't even remember their son's name some times or in which class he was studying.....his one and only son !! My mom was a simple women and she wanted a very simple life....with her husband and son. But she couldn't get that simple life with my Dad.

Coz... He was never there for his family.


He wasn't there... when I went to school for the first time. He never attended a single-parent teacher meeting with my mom or any other activities for parents, held at school. Some of my teachers assumed that my parents are divorced.

He wasn't there... when I fell down from the stairs and mom has to take me to a nearby hospital on her own, Because he didn't picked up her call as He was taking care of his patients at the hospital he was currently working. When mom called him to come and check on me, He said he can't attend another doctor's patient..... He told her that he already talked to my attending doctor and they informed him that I was being well taken care off, So.... There was nothing to worry about, and he will try to come and visit me soon. Which he couldn't get the chance to, before I was discharged from the hospital.

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