Happy Birthday....

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A/N: it's an another AU... One shot, Arthit is a CEO of the biggest IT company in the country and Kong is a famous Sketch Artist. So come and take a peek in their beautiful life, together as loving Husbands ❤️


Kong's POV------

Every year I struggled to make his birthday better than the last and every year I somehow managed to pull it off. Arthit wasn’t hard to be pleased for, it’s just I wanted him to have everything his heart desired.

From the first moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew I wanted him. His beautiful hazel, soulful eyes and silky chocolate hair captivated me. I was seventeen years old, and Arthit was Eighteen when we met. We became fast friends and six months later, we started dating. The rest, as they say, is history.

We had our ups and downs over the years but always knew that together we could get through anything, and we did. From coming out, to navigating the road to adulthood, Arthit was always with me, always by my side.

The day he asked me to marry him, was the happiest day of my life. It was my twenty third birthday and he surprised me with a romantic picnic on the beach and a pledge of forever. We had been together for Eight years, married for two and life couldn’t have been more perfect. He showed me everyday just how much he loved me, how he made my life complete. I was indeed a very lucky man.

“Kong, you have a parcel”

Arthit's beautiful voice broke me out of my reverie.

“Oh shit it's here !! Arthit..... Did you took a sneak peek into my parcel ??”

I raised my eyebrows at him, and my favorite dimpled smile took over his face.

"Definitely not my darling husband. I have been a very good boy lately"

He replied with his hand on his heart and his head tipped to the side, making my breath quicken.

"So...... Do You need a reward for being such a good boy... lately ??"

"Don’t tempt me baby, I have to get to work, but when I get home…..."

He trailed off before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in for a kiss, his hand roaming down my body, feeling my awakening hard on, pressing into his thigh, through my jeans. I moaned into the kiss and then whimpered loudly as he pulled away from me chuckling.

"Such a Tease...."

I mumbled, causing him to throw his head back and laugh louder.

“Got to get to the office love, I have a very important meeting today but I will be back by seven, then we can go to dinner or something. It is my birthday after all”

“Yes and as I recall I gave you a very nice gift this morning”

Images of him inside my mouth as I woke him up this morning, filled my mind.

"Mmmm..... that was indeed the best way to have been woken up on my birthday"

He replied with a dreamy expression on his face

"I am getting late Sweetheart...... I left your parcel on the table by the door. See you later baby"

He said, before kissing me once more and leaving. I walked to the window and watched him leave with a huge smile on my face.

Arthit was twenty six today, and tonight after the surprise party I planned to throw for him, he was going to get his special birthday present. I was excited as I picked up the parcel, containing his birthday present, off of the side table and opened it.

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