I am Sorry....

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Kongpob's POV --------

We walked through the door to our two story house, the tension was thick between us. What was suppose to be a night of romance and the enjoyment of each other’s company, ended up turning into a night of a raging war between us.

I kicked my shoes off, throwing my jacket down on the counter by the door. Arthit slammed the door behind me as I stormed off towards the bedroom. I felt him following behind me as I took the stairs one by one. When I reached the bedroom, I slammed it in his face, making sure to lock it.

"Kongpob !! let me in!!"

He growled on the other side, pounding on the door.

I ignored him, going to his side of the room and digging through his dresser. I picked out some flannel pants and a t-shirt and headed towards the bed. I picked up his pillow and walked towards the door unlocking it. Before he could react, I threw the items at him with the departing words of....

"Blankets are in the linen closet"

....and slammed the door in his face again.

He mumbled something unintelligible before I heard his footsteps fade down the stairs. I turned away from the door and started getting ready for bed.

Once I crawled into bed, I hoped that sleep would claim me, but of course it didn’t. I laid awake, thinking over how tonight went from amazing to horrible.

We had gone out to eat at his favourite restaurant, celebrating Arthit’s new position as A head doctor at the hospital he worked at. He was the youngest doctor to become head doctor, and I was extremely proud of him. He had been working hard for that spot for two years, and I was so happy and proud of him when he received the news.

I had wanted to bring up the topic of adopting a child with him tonight. We had been married for five years, having a small ceremony with just family and close friends after being in a relationship for six years. I wanted to have a child in our house, in our life, I wanted to adopt but Arthit wanted to focusing on his doctor degree, then his new position, and me working as an assistant manager with my dad in his company, we never got the time to think about it. But now that Arthit had finally achieved his goals, I figured it was time to add onto our family.

But of course, something just had to get in the way of our happiness. We had just sat down at the restaurant, when Tanya, the girl who tried everything in her power to tear Arthit and I apart in our college days, turned out to be our waitress for the night. She remembered Arthit,( who could forget him ), and started flirting with him as if we were still in college.

Arthit, being the guy he is, saw her flirting as just being friendly. He never believed me in college that she was trying relentlessly to get him in her grasp. He never gave into her, but he still thought I had over exaggerated. So, it only made sense he didn’t believe me now. Throughout the night, she would accidentally sweep her hand over his arm or manage to push up her fake boobs so high, they almost popped out of her shirt. She was nothing but a headache in the past, and it seemed she still hadn’t left that trait.

She chatted with Arthit, completely ignoring me, 'catching up' as she called it.

So you can imagine my utter anger towards the bitch when she sat down with us while we ate dinner, claiming she was on break. What was suppose to be a night of romance between us, with me bringing up the topic of adoption, ended up being a Arthit and Tanya catch up on life, while poor Kong sat quiet the entire time. Not once I was invited in the conversation.

As we left the restaurant, I stormed ahead of Arthit, slamming the car door. Arthit had remained frozen for a moment at my silent outburst, before joining me in the car and heading home. It wasn’t until ten minutes down the road that he finally asked what was wrong.

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