Sleeping Bags....

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A/N: It's a High school students, Kongpob and Arthit fanfic. I wanted to write something like this from a long time. So here it is, I hope you all will enjoy ❤️❤️


It Was freezing in the tent. Whose brilliant idea was it to go camping in the mountains in winters anyways ?? 

Stupid AIM !!

Just because he is my best friend was no excuse for me to keep giving in and going along with all of his stupid ideas. I don’t even remember why I agreed to join him on this camping trip that, The high school Outdoor Education club of Arizona was hosting,with different schools.

Aim and Me didn’t even get assigned to the same tent so I couldn’t even gripe to him about it.

There were twenty idiots from all three schools signed up for this trip, so we had been randomly split between 4 tents. The teachers had been surprisingly progressive about the whole co-ed thing and I suspected it was our school's  PT teacher's attempt at upping his 'cool' points. I had been assigned to a tent with Oak, Tew, Andrew, Peter, and Arthit.

Oak and Tew were my friends from my school, Andrew and Peter from other two schools and...... Arthit

Ahhhhh..... Arthit Rojnapat.

The beautiful and quiet mystery boy who had shared my chemistry lab bench in school, as well as my fantasies for the better part of our final year in school. When he moved to our school few months back, him and his chocolaty hair and dimpled grin became an instant target for the overt affections of every girl in school, Even for some boys too, like me....... Yeah, I wanted him from the moment I saw him the very first time, but at least I had the good sense to realise that he was an introvert and left him alone.

I had hoped he would come around and actually, speak to me at some point, but the gorgeous boy was either painfully shy or else wasn't interested in making new friends. We sat right next to each other every day in class and he had never said more than the bare minimum of words necessary to get through our lab assignments. Sometimes he even would get all shifty during class, like being near me was making him physically uncomfortable or something. I got paranoid and had to ask Aim to tell me if I smelled bad. He was awesome as always and told me straight up that since I had changed my shampoo and was no longer using that old stinky stuff, I had nothing to worry about, so that wasn’t the reason.

His lack of interest in me was painfully clear so I had never bothered to try to force conversation or interaction during the class. Instead, I had spent months watching and admiring him from afar. I knew that he sat with his younger sister Ara every day at lunch, listening to his iPod and tapping out songs on an imaginary keyboard or drums, on the table in front of him while she chatted animatedly with her boyfriend. He didn’t have many friends, choosing instead to mostly hang out with his sister and her boyfriend Jay, and he was never spotted out at any social gatherings.

I had spied the college applications, in his bag one day, so I knew he wanted to join the Engineering college. I knew that his handwriting was neater and prettier than any teenage guy had any right to be. I knew that he was meticulous in how he cared for and drove his motorbike. And also like me, he liked to read the books and he always had a new addition novel tucked into his backpack. Yes, I was basically in tune with him on a stalker level. But despite knowing all of this, I craved more. I wanted to know everything about him and for him to want to know everything about me. I wanted him to kiss me and hold my hand, and be my friend or more than a Friend, Maybe....

You know, if only he would talk to me or realise that..... I exist.

My discomfort from being cold, tore me out of my musings over Arthit. For someone who had lived his whole life in this freezing climate in Arizona, you would think I would be better prepared for a trip like this, but apparently my sense had deserted me and I hadn’t brought much to keep me warm overnight, other than my jacket.... which was hung outside, dripping wet right now, because I tripped near a patch of water, on our way to the top. So here I was, dressed only in my jeans and a sweatshirt, curled into a tight fetal position with my hands shoved between my thighs and my sleeping bag cinched around my head to try to trap all my body heat inside with me. My joints were aching and my teeth were chattering.

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