New year

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A/N: it's again an AU, In this one shot...... Kong and Arthit are not together yet.... They are studying in NYC, they share a appartment with two other friends of their's. And now....They are stuck with each other on New year's holidays....... Read to find out, how they spend their holidays together.


Kongpob's POV--------

" Crap !!"

Arthit exclaims in frustration as he clicks and scrolls on his laptop.

"All flights out of New york today are cancelled due to the snow"

"Shit, really ??"

I move to sit beside him and stare at the screen disappointedly.

"I knew I should have gone earlier, it was stupid to leave it so late to travel back home"

"So that’s it then"

Arthit shrugs.

"We are both stuck here for New year"

We called our parents to apologize and commiserate, and when we were done, we collapse at opposite ends of the couch and let out matching sighs.

Then Arthit grins in that way that always makes my stomach flip a little.

"Okay we need a plan....."

He says decisively

"We do ??"

"Well the refrigerator is empty apart from some disgusting things of Bright’s that are probably long past their use by date. So we need to go out and buy food, and beer. I mean, we are not going to get our mother’s Home cooked delicious meals now, but that doesn’t mean we need to starve"


I shrug.

Even though I am sad about not getting to see my family on New year, a little part of me is secretly quite excited at the prospect of having Arthit all to myself, without Bright and Aim around.


In the supermarket it’s chaos. Shopping carts block all the aisles, there are people everywhere and it takes us forever to find all the things we want.

We fill our cart up with a few basics that we need plus all the stuff that we like, on the basis that it’s New year and we should treat ourselves. We get pancake ingredients (essential), pizzas (easy), beer (obviously also essential) along with assorted chips, cookies and chocolate.

The girl at the checkout looks at us appreciatively. I blush and avoid her eye but Arthit grins smoothly and chats to her as she scans our shopping.

"Oh my God, Kong !!"

He gasps dramatically, grabbing my arm.

"I nearly forgot !!"

He pushes past me and heads back towards the shelves.

"Forgot what ??"

I call after him.

"Tequila !!"

He yells back over his shoulder.

"We need tequila, and lemons"

So, apparently tequila is necessary. I shrug and grin apologetically at the checkout girl.

"Sorry, he will be back in a minute"

He returns flushed and panting, tequila in one hand and a bag of lemons in the other.

Christening The Houseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن