Chapter 24 - The question

Start from the beginning

'You did this!' He said while spitting. Ben was about to attack Thomas, but Newt hit him with his shovel. A few boys held Ben down as he was still struggling.

'Lift his shirt.' Alby commanded. A boy lifted Ben's shirt and I could see a deep hole on his stomach. The veins around it were green and there was black blood coming out of the hole.

'No, no.' Ben looked at Alby with his almost black eyes.

'He's been stung.' Alby said. 'Get him to the pit.' A few boys pulled Ben up and walked him to the pit while Ben was still struggling and saying some things.

'You okay?' I asked Thomas who was out of breath.

'Yeah, I think so. What are they gonna do with Ben?' Thomas asked.

'He's getting banished tonight.' Newt replied and I sighed. Ben's been my friend ever since I've met him and he's a nice guy. I didn't like that we banish people when they get stung, but we had no other choice.


Me and Chuck were walking to the maze Doors and I already saw all the boys standing there with their poles. Minho held Ben, his best friend, and walked to the Doors. Minho cut the ropes that were on Ben's hands and Ben fell to the ground.

'No, no, no.' He cried. 'I'll get better!' He shouted.

'Poles.' Alby commanded. All the boys moved their poles towards Ben who was still begging. I felt the wind in my face and the floor started to shake. The Doors were slowly closing and Ben was getting closer and closer into the maze.

'Come on.' Chuck grabbed my arm and we both walked away from the awful sight. I felt a tear dropping down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away.

I heard that the Doors stopped moving and the floor wasn't shaking anymore. 'He belongs to the maze now.' I heard Alby say as me and Chuck were still walking away.


It was almost night and I was sitting on my bed in Newt's room. I was still somber about Ben and after all, this was the first banishing I've ever seen so it wasn't like I was used to it. The fact that Ben was a friend of mine made it even worse.

And then there are the memories about Thomas. I hated the fact that I couldn't tell anyone about it. I mean, I wanted to tell them, but I couldn't. I didn't want them to be suspicious of Thomas or maybe even me. I felt a tear dripping down my cheek.

I also thought about the maze a lot. Like how we were supposed to get out of it. I would get out of it, and I was gonna take everyone with me. Chuck, Newt, Minho, Alby and even Thomas. I felt more tears dripping down my cheeks as I though about everything.

Why would someone be so cruel to send us out here? I let out all the sadness that had been in me for weeks. Tears dropped down from eyes and they didn't stop. It was hard to not start sobbing and make any noise.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I quickly wiped all the tears away and took a breath as I laid down on my bed and pulled the blanket of me. Then I heard the door open.

'Hey.' I heard a British voice say.

'Hi.' I tried to sound as normal as possible but my voice was hoarse because of the crying.

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