A cat inside or out

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Who will save us?

A recurring sentence that had plagued many a mind whenever they faced something that could be thought impossible to overcome. Most of the times it was you yourself who was saving itself, but sometimes the warm hand of another being was needed to get through the hardships you had landed yourself into.

Even if it was a summer night, sweltering heat pestering your fur, you felt coldness sweep over your skin. Darkness was slowly creeping in, turning everything bigger, turning everything sharp, turning everything dangerous. You were hopelessly lost. The streets were unknown to you, the stones littering the small paths under your paws painful as you stood atop of them. Hooting and crawling of nightcreatures brought you a sense of dread as everything was bigger than you at the moment. There was no concept of safety in the talons of the night as it crept closer and closer to you with each passing moment, your own paws even bringing you into it willingly.

But without missing a beat of your own heart, you ventured forth, knowing that somewhere out there to the South-East was supposed to be your home. As you walked on, your eyes only shifting from the path at the rustle of the leaves of bushes, you let your mind wander to the things from a few days ago until you were merely a step back to the moment. Kid's blazing eyes came to mind, his voice boomingly loud as he talked enthusiastically or with annoyance towards Killer. His words wounding your stupidly fragile heart still stung, the words echoing in your furry ears until they distanced themselves into a mute. Law's piercing eyes came next, his words too calculated and soul too fenced off for feelings you'd wish one would harbour for you. There was no regret in your being for what you feel towards them, only hurt that you had interpret them to be returned by either of them.

Your paws halted in their trot, you right front paw resting in the air until your shoulder sagged slightly, the retracted nails tapping the grass softly. Maybe you had been wrong from the start. Maybe it had been loneliness weighing your heart down until the two men crashed into your life in the form of two cats, livening up your mood with their antics. Maybe it was the tone they used on your miserable form that was misinterpret by your treacherous ears to hear what you wanted to hear.

"Oh crap..." Lurching forward, your frontpaws stumbled until the world turned up and down, golden eyes blinking down on you, a snout too close for comfort as whiskers tangled together. White teeth showed from the nuzzle, a pink tongue peeking out by the dim light of lantern somewhere to the side of the path. "Ah!" The cat pulled back, hurting you as its complete weight leaned on you for a moment. "You shouldn't suddenly stop, you know. Who knows who would crash into you?" Still in a daze, you had to focus hard to even comprehend the words spoken towards you until it downed upon you what was in front of you.

"You! Again?" The cat sat on its haunches, licking his paw in faux disinterest.

"Well, I did tell you to wait." The yellowfurred cat said, his tail sweeping left and right as his golden eyes stared at you, his head cocked and ear flicking back and forth. "It's not everyday that I find a cat who just feels different. The way you reacted was more like a human." There was a heavy silence following his spoken sentence and the cat watched you once more, his front paws stretching towards you. "Like me."

Shifting to the side a bit, unsure of what to do. To be completely fair, you were tired, the tendrils of sleep invading your mind as soft whispers started to lull you to sleep, your legs more alike to lead from all the running around. You tried to keep yourself awake, the adrenaline soaring through your bloodstream in short bursts as if it wanted you to run as quick and as far as you could. By the likes of it, it would maybe be a couple meters before you'd collapse, however, so that was an option out of the question.

The blond cat slowly leaned forward, his snout lowering to the ground as the molten gold orbs flashed in the dim light. "Not many words for someone who turned into a feline. Have you grown accustomed to it? The grace of a pet and warm petting of those around you in a home?"

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now