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To say Killer was disappointed was an understatement. His face hid in his hands as he wanted to scream at the red headed friend of his. Instead, he sighed heavily, the palms of his hands warmed by his breath, his eyes closed as he counted to at least ten a few times inside his head. Kid threw some tools against the walls, his rage more directed towards himself than anyone else. His breathing was laboured, the anger oozing out of him as another wrench hit the wall, a new dent in the plaster of it before it fell to the ground with a clang. The sounds were deafening until Killer's hand shot out and caught Kid's wrist in a bruising grip, halting the movement of another object being thrown around. A sudden silence enveloped the both of them, only the flow of air and the rush of blood a clear sound in the room.

Kid's knuckles were white from the deathgrip on the object in his hand, slowly lowering due to Killer's perseverance, muscles taut in both their arms. Killer's teeth gnashed as he tugged and pulled to get Kid out of the sudden rage he had fallen into. The red headed man almost growled as his vermillion eyes glanced at the cerulean blue of his friend's, the anger dampened at the sight of the defeated expression. "And here I thought you actually had made a good friend by yourself." The words stung, a hidden meaning stabbing Kid's chest and burrowing deeply with the intensity. Instead of giving in, the man huffed and turned his head sharply to look the other way, his hand slowly releasing pressure on the plyers before it fell on the ground with a clang of their own.

Kid stayed silent, his hands balled into fists that rested at his sides as Killer let go of his wrist, now watching his friend with a cocked brow and arms crossed over his chest, unconsciously making it even more clear that he was deeply disappointed in his friend. "Does Trafalgar know?" Killer had to strain his ears to hear his friend, the words whispered quietly as he looked away towards the damaged wall. Killer hummed in response, blinking slowly as he shifted his weight on another foot, before answering the question. Kid's shoulders tensed in response, his head dipping until his chin rested on his chest, the heaving of his chest receding as the anger depleted from his system. He felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on top of his head, the freezing liquid a wake up call and a sudden sensation to rip him from his tirade.

Killer didn't say anything anymore as he patted his friend's shoulder, his receding footsteps too loud for Kid's ears to bear. It took him quite some time to regain his composure before he stalked after his friend, grumbling under his breath that he should have 'put a locator on you when he had the chance' and 'you'd probably be as confused as he was when he was a cat, if not more'. When he finally caught up with Killer, Kid noticed his friend was on the phone explaining you had suddenly left.

"And why was that? She was fine when I left." Kid's eyes squinted in annoyance, knowing it was Trafalgar Law speaking.

Killer eyed his friend carefully before he answered. "We don't know." Law stayed silent for a little while as Kid looked at Killer with suspicion flickering in his eyes.

"Right. You don't know, huh?" Killer's jaw tensed at the hidden jab from Law in just that small sentence, knowing Law would always suspect something to happen at Kid's place. A sigh echoed from Law and Killer at the same time. "She might be on her way towards her or Ace's home. You go to Ace and I'll go to her house with my crew. Keep us updated." The connection broke and Killer's brows rose, eyeing the phone in suspicion himself.

"Well? What did he say?" Kid tapped his crossed arm in annoyance and impatience, even after hearing Law's words loud and clear.

"We'll split up and look for her. Let's get a map."

"A map? What for?" Kid went after Killer, still grumbling with his growing annoyance towards Law, suspecting him that he would go to your home with the expectation you'd go there instead of your ex-boyfriend.

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now