Are they worth it?

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Both pairs of cats stayed with their own owners. Kid and Law were hissing from one side of the car as Levi and Loki were hissing from the other side, leaving you and Ace in between them. Hoping for them to stop, you started to scratch the red and black balls of trouble behind their ears. Hissing was now mixed with soft purring as the both of them started to enjoy the new attention they received. (e/c) eyes slid over to the two cats on the other side of the car. They looked from cat to cat and finally to you. Their eyes squinted, slits narrowing upon the sight of you and your own felines.

With a loud growl as a battle cry, two black felines jumped over Ace's legs, into your lap. Your hands raised your little balls of problems in the air just in time before Levi and Loki knocked them over against the window. Not long after, a set of groans filled the car after their head hit the window. You sighed and dumped your cats in the middle with the white dog. Bepo, first panting of the heat, now started licking the felines from tail to head. The fur started to seem being cow-licked, several tufts of hair standing up in the air. A giggle escaped your lips and two head whipped to look at you, glaring harshly, making you laugh louder.

Mixed growls echoed through the van over the music. "Oh oh.. Guys.." Kid and Law looked up at you, their eyes still narrowed as they looked between their almost closed eyelids. "I.. I didn't mean it." You quickly looked up at Ace, mouthing for help to him. He didn't even look. His own eyes were glued to whatever was behind you. "Ace?" With a nervous chuckle, your lips curled up just a little. "Ace?" His lips moved, but no sound came out, his eyes widening just a fraction. Slowly, you tilted your head to the side, looking to your side facing the door.

The aura was black, a cloud of revenge emitting from the two black cats as their tails were puffed up, their backs held high in the air and nails were stretched out in the open. "Oh fuck.." You whispered as the cats jumped out to the middle and screamed their war cries. "Penguin?!"



"Holy shit! Get these cats to calm down!"

"How do you think we were planning to do that?!"

"Get him off of me!"

"Killer! I need you!"

"Oh man up you, pussy!"

"Open the f***ing window and throw them out!"


"Drive faster, Pen!"


"Why not? They're going to kill each other."

"There's a speed limit!"

"You're kidding."

"No. I don't want another ticket."

"Oh for frick sake!"



Upon stepping in the sunlight, you took a good look at your arms. Scratches here and there as blood trickled down to fall on the pavement. Two dishevelled cats clung to your shoulders, Kid nuzzling his nose and his tongue licked the small wounds. Law hid his face in your hair. "I'm not going to say I'm sorry, but I didn't mean for this to happen." He muttered, his paw nudging your shoulder over and over again.

"I hope you didn't mean it. I would hurt your back if you did." You hissed, a little pissed at all the cats. Bepo jumped out after you, leaning against your left leg, his nose up in the air as he peered at your face and gave a soft whine. Crouching down slowly, you petted his soft head gently, keeping Kid securely with your hand as Law stood on your right arm, peering over your shoulder towards the dog. "Yeah, you were a good boy, Bepo." Your thumb brushed away the small droplet of blood that had appeared on his nose before he licked his nose. "At least you were." You muttered.


"Oh shut up, Kid."

"Don't tell me to shut up, you damn cat!"

"Both of you, cut it out." You growled through your lips as you stood up straight again, letting your eyes roam over the place you were standing on. There were steps leading up to the door, small pillars of what looked like fake marble next to it. The door opened fully and you had to look up to see the face of the same blond man who took care of you in the hospital. "Killer."

"(y/n)." He moved aside as you walked up the couple of steps. "How's your leg?"

"Better." You mumbled, walking past him into the grand corridor, immediately coming face to face to a staircase leading up and splitting as it ended at the wall where there were a couple of painting hanging. "Don't tell me you own this?" You whispered, staring from side to side with awe shining in your (e/c) coloured eyes.

"No, I do." You heard Kid mutter, seeing him look at the pictures himself. "I miss walking those steps as a man." You chuckled softly upon hearing that statement and turned back to staring at everything else. Law hummed and jumped from your grasp, walking and sniffing the air on his way. Being a couple of feet away, Law turned his form to look up at Kid in your arms.

"It stinks." Law said with a cheshire cat smirk adorning his lips.

"Why you little!" Kid roared, struggling to get out of your grasp as he really wanted to hit the black cat and show him all the corners in the grand hallway.

Killer sighed and stood next to you, his hand moving up to grab Kid in his scruff. Immediately, Kid stopped yelling and almost fell limp in the strong fingers. From his lips only incoherent words flew, some about a soft pillow he wanted to lay on and others about a salmon filet he really wanted to devour. "Yeah, Kid, I know you want to. Let's get something to eat then." Killer said, sighing once again as he started to walk towards a door. Probably the kitchen. Law's ears perked up as his tail raised in the air and he trotted behind the blond man.

"Ohh, salmon."

Blinking quickly a couple of times, you shrugged your shoulders and looked back outside where Ace, the two cats, Bepo and the other two males were struggling to keep everything in check. Bepo barked up happily at the two cats on Ace's shoulder, who just hissed down at the poor animal. Shachi holding the leash to pull the large, white dog back and Penguin pulling on Shachi's waist, probably trying to help him. Your hands ran over your face after you face-palmed. A groan left your lips as your eyes almost rolled automatically. Turning back to see the inside of the mansion, your voice rang loud and clear. "Bepo." Barking stopped and you were almost sure his ears picked up and his head was tilted to look at your expectantly. "Come boy." A short bark echoed from outside towards the hall, followed by yelps form the grown up males that had a hold on the leash before. Patter of paws came to your ears and you started to wander around in the hall, giving your eyes the time of the world to take in the paintings and pictured. Every step of you was followed by that of a paw. With a smile, you patted the soft fur. "Good boy." Your (e/c) eyes turned to look at the happy dog. "At least one boy is good."


From the kitchen you heard two voices yelling before their heads popped from the open door. "Hey!"

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now