Cute problems

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"You think she's still alive?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"She looks dead to me."

"She's still breathing, you dumbass."

"Hey! Who do you call a dumbass!"

A groan left your lips as you were literally faceplanting the floor you had cleaned yesterday. The bickering went on and on and you really tried to get these voices out of your head. A grumbling noise left your figure and the cats stopped talking. They jumped and landed gracefully on your back, ready to sniff your motionless body on the cold floor. "Did you say something?" You heard Law ask next to your ear as Kid's whiskers tickled your cheek. "Could you just shut it for one minute? Please?" You asked again, tilting your head slightly to give a glare to the lean cat on your shoulder. "No can do, miss (y/n)-ya." He mused, softly booping your ear and walked of your shoulder like it was no biggie. "Maybe we should get rid of him. All you need is me." Kid said proudly, earning a glare from the other male of the house.

"Or I can put you guys on the street and have my old life back." You muttered, now leaning on your elbows as Kid did his very best to balance on his cute little paws. "You wouldn't dare." Kid hissed, making you snort. "Oh, I would, trust me. I know some good places. I think the university needs some new animals to experiment on anyway." Now Kid's eyes grew wide and he rubbed his cheek on yours affectionately. "Naaw, why aren't you always like that. It's cute." You cooed, making him swat your finger. "Not cute." If a cat could pout, he did and it was adorable. "No, absolutely not, Kid. You're a strong, independent kitty." You chuckled, making him feel proud. "Oh hell yes, I am." Chin held up high as he licked his lips. "I heard some sarcasm." Law said from the kitchen and you gasped like Kid. "It's not true?" Kid asked, pawing your cheek with watery eyes. "Law is just mean. I meant it, Kid. I swear." You whispered in his tiny ear, caressing his head softly. "Good." With that he left your shoulder and trotted to the kitchen, where.. Your breakfast still was.

"Oi! You better leave my food alone." You said, rushing to the kitchen, just in time to see the last bit of your egg being gobbled down their tiny throats. "Guys.. I thought you loved me." You said dramatically as you slumped down the doorpost. "We do, but we love food more sometimes." Kid answered, jumping back down to the floor with his tail held up high. "But I love you more when you cook for me." You could see him smile up to you as he sat in front of you, ears flicking sometimes and you gave up. "So cute.." You gushed and patted his head lovingly. "Hey! Not cute." Kid evaded your eyes by turning his head away, but he enjoyed the touch nevertheless.

"(y/n)-ya, where's my coffee?" Law's voice cut short the silence, just like the little act of love coming from the red cat who suddenly remembered the other one was still there. "You're not getting any coffee before ten, Law, if you even get some." You retorted, getting back to your feet before you would be rejected by Kid once again. "Why? I need coffee." Law whined as he placed his rear on the counter near your elbow. "Because I need my tea instead of coffee in the morning, that's why. Besides, if you have forgotten, little boy." You started, pointing your finger at his nose. "You're still a cat. No cat needs coffee, mister." Law scoffed and turned back, showing you his rear and trotted away. "Then give me milk." With a shake of your head, you evaded stepping on the red cat down below and walked over to the kettle to prepare some warm drink and grabbed some sandwiches before one of the devils could steal them. "Mine."

Going back to the couch, you sat down next to the cats, turning on the television to see whatever crap was happening in this world. While sipping silently from your tea, Kid laid down on your lap and Law placed his head on your lap while the rest lays on a cushion, eyeing your tea with disgust. "I prefer coffee." He muttered. "I know you do, that's why I drink tea in the morning. You won't try to drink it." You retorted, taking away your (e/c) orbs from the scenes of war in the news. "Why do people fight all the time. It's getting boring one day, right?" Kid asked, sitting up and balancing on one of your legs. "I thought so too. Apparently they still like doing it." Kid hummed and began licking his paw just to rub it over his head to wash it. "People are weird." "Yup." One of your hands fell to the side to caress Law a little, making him feel less left out and he started to purr softly, leaning a little in your touch.

I could get used to this. You thought as you put down your mug and started patting Kid too. Suddenly the doorbell rang and the whole scene was destroyed. "Oh my fudging god. Really?" You said loudly as both cats jumped up and swatted your hands away just before running like crazy. Another ring and you dragged yourself towards the door. "I'm coming! Geez, calm your tits." You groaned and both cats walked behind you in safety, curious as to who would come this early. Opening the door with half open eyes as you were still not fully awake, you looked up to see a blond male standing in front of you with some flowers.

"San..ji." You muttered, taken aback he was standing there. "(y/n)~! I thought you would like to eat some breakfast together~." He said, swaying from one side to the other. "Sanji.. I just ate." You frowned at the man and stepped aside with a sigh as he looked so sad at you. "Luffy has eaten all your food again, hasn't he?" Sanji ruffled your hair lovingly and smiled. "Yes." "Please tell me he isn't coming too. I don't have that much right now." You muttered, glancing back at the two cats still standing there. "I hope not, unless he has followed me here." Sanji answered and stepped further in. "So these are the ones you were talking about. They look cute." The blonde said, crouching down and trying to pat the red cat. "He doesn't.. like to be called cute." You tried to warn him, but Kid had already swatted Sanji's hand away, hissing loudly. "I noticed." Sanji whispered, glaring at Kid.

"So.. What do you want as breakfast?" You asked, walking towards your kitchen, followed by the young cook. "Oh, I can figure something out. Want some coffee? You look like you need one." Scoffing slightly you nodded your head slowly. "I look that bad hmm?" Sanji's lips turned to an apologetic smile and you knew enough. Law looked hopefully in your way and a sigh escaped your lips. "Could you pour some in a little bowl too? Law is strange and wants some too." You asked, jumping up a little to sit on the counter and Sanji looked bewildered at your form. "Your.. cat? He wants coffee?" Shrugging your shoulders your nodded and Law glared at the both of you. "Yup." "Okay..? Not weird at all." Law hissed at his answer and Sanji chuckled as he started to prepare some coffee and his breakfast.

Even if the cats were happy to receive some coffee and extra food from the blonde male, they eyed him warily the whole day, not trusting him for one bit. "When is he going? I don't like him." Kid whispered and Law shrugged with his tiny shoulders. "Don't know, Kid. But I'm on it. Follow my lead." Kid and Law took their places on your lap and between you and the male, making it impossible for the two of them to even touch each other. Sanji grew annoyed by their actions and you simply laughed it off, softly tickling their chins as they started to purr loudly. Sanji had been hanging around the whole day and as it was dinnertime, you were glad he was, but you actually really wanted him gone. Kid and Law had sensed this and became more obvious to the blonde male that they wanted him gone after "foodtime". Swatting his hands, hissing loudly and placing their rear in his face, Kid and Law finally made him leave at 8.

"Well, I'll be going then. Thank you for taking care of me today, (y/n)." Sanji said as he stepped over the doorstep, turning around to grab your hand and kiss the back of it, making you blush slightly. "Thank you for cooking, Sanji. It was really tasty." You grinned, quickly replacing the red on your cheeks with your normal skin tone. He smiled happily and let go of your hand. "It was really nice. I'll see you around." Sanji left your place and closing the door, you turned around with a sigh, seeing the two cats sitting by your feet and looking annoyed. "What?" You asked, raising your brow as the word slipped your lips. "Do you like him?" Kid asked harshly and Law stared up at your face. "Not the way you are hinting at." You retorted, lowering your form to pick the two of them up and walking over to your living room. "Good." Law said softly and rubbed his cheek on your boob, just like Kid did with the other. "You're still ours." Kid whispered, looking back up. "I know." You laughed and sat down, starting a random movie on Netflix. "I don't like this one." Kid said after ten minutes and started to change the movie. You sighed and booped his nose. "We're watching this one, Kid. You will like it after some more minutes, trust me."

Kid had hid behind your shoulder, looking up some times when it was safe to watch again as the movie progressed. Law simply laid on your lap, hiding his head in your belly and holding his ears while being comforted by your fingers. Sometimes ignoring the horrormovie, you smiled at the two beings that were with you.

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now