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Doflamingo's deep chuckle led your attention back to him, his arm stretched to the side as he made this whole encounter a show. His lips were twisted in a wicked grin. "Isn't this a nice surprise. Two gangs here at my door at the same time. Looks could be deceiving, don't they, dear." He said, grabbing your upper arm in a vicelike grip, holding you closer to himself, his heat radiating towards you. "If I recall correctly, this had happened before."

Trebol sniffled, his chuckles accompanied by gurgles of mucus coming from his throat. "You could say that, Young Master. And back then, they weren't a match for you, let's not even imagine they would be now. Gnehehe." You shivered from his sounds, sighing softly as you just let this all play out for once. Law's eyes stared daggers at the flamboyant blond next to you, as Kid's eyes contained blazing flames.

"Now, now, now, let's not get overzealous. We're not here to fight, right, little (y/n)? Hmm?" Doffy's attention was back to you, his eyes flicking to gaze down upon your form, a wide smirk adorning his stern face. Oh how much you'd like to slap that expression from him. He giggled to himself, shoulders shaking in delight. He leaned forward, his face hovering next to yours as his hand had travelled up to hold your chin in place. "Now tell them that the deal had been made and they will walk away om their two legs." A few vials came into view, urging you to divert your attention from the wicked man who licked the side of your face, your spine shivering in disgust. "And for you to become however I see fit."

"(y/n)-ya." Law's paws brought him slightly closer, the cat ears flicking back and forth. "Don't listen to him. He never keeps his promises. Whatever deal he speaks of, he wouldn't let someone go from his clutches." You closed your eyes at that, a frown pinching your brows together.

"I don't have another choice, Law. If I don't do this, how would the both of you return to being human again?" You felt pathetic for being in this situation in the first place, but you hadn't expected the crowd to be there either.

Kid scoffed loudly, his temper coming through and Killer had to be quick to scoop him back up before the redfurred cat would jump on Doflamingo himself. "You'd think we care about that? Are you stupid? After all this time and you still won't believe we might put your safety above this.. this shit?!" The cat was fuming at this point, spitting as he threw the words out there for everyone to hear. As much as they shocked you, you noticed the turning of heads of the gangmembers as well, almost believing he had never said such things before. "Let me go! I have to scratch someone to shreds!" As the cat trashed in Killer's hand, now being held by the scruff, you noticed the amused smirk from Doflamingo turning to a glare, his patience running out quite quickly.

"You'd let them walk away unharmed, right?" You almost whispered, your worry still going out to the others instead of yourself. Doffy grunted before straightening, his hold on your chin and jaw still tight, warning you quietly to not run or else..

"Trebol." Doffy dropped two vials in the sniffling man's hands, who seemed to be genuinely confused at the action, his chuckling ceasing as he exclaimed his confusion even louder when the blond male urged him to bring the vials over to the others. Trebol huffed and puffed as he descended the stairs, grumbling to himself as he didn't understand what his Young Master was planning. At the last step, he growled as he dropped the vials in someone else's hands. The last vial in Doflamingo's hand was pushed against your lips, his hold on your jaw painful when the rim had to be slipped past your lips. Bitter liquid sloshed past your teeth, over your tongue and into your throat as Doflamingo tilted your face up, his sunglasses glinting in the light as the tip of his tongue licked his lips. You coughed, almost gagged when the liquid was forced down, your eyes screwed shut as small tears gathered at the corners of them. Your heart hammered in your chest, making you fear it would spring away from the confinement of your ribs. Your stomach growled in protest, the contents almost flinging back up. Still, Doffy had your teeth clamped on each other, denying you to lose even a precious droplet of the potion.

The last thing you'd see was the wicked grin on the huge male, accompanied by the dark laughter as your vision started to swim. The man grew in size in front of your very eyes before everything turned black, your body hurting everywhere similar to being trampled by a herd of elephants, you imagined.

The fight that would ensue had gone unnoticed to your unconscious brain.

By the time you'd come to, you snuggled your face into something warm and soft, a soft purr escaping your lips before you stretched a bit and curling up once again. You heard someone huff close by, but you chose to ignore it for now, as sleep was still tugging on your mind. Your ear flicked, however, to catch some more sounds. You wiggled your nose, covering your face with your arm as you tried to hide away in your sleep muddled mind. Someone caressed your head and back and you purred even louder, a lazy grin adorning your lips as you rolled onto your back. Strong fingers tickled your belly and you whined softly, pushing them away with your whole 'hand'. Suddenly, your eyes opened wide, sleep no longer inhibiting your actions, and you jumped up. The hand that had caressed you before was way too big, callouses and scars littering here and there as they stilled mid-air. Letting your eyes travel up further, you saw the huge arms, muscles big enough to easily crush you with a slither of their strength. A big furry coat covered the broad shoulders and a big, pink scar ran over one of them. Anxiously, you let your eyes travel further up, coming eye to eye with an amber gaze, red hair defying gravity in tuffs as a pair of goggles kept the tresses from the redhead's face. Blinking up at him, you shied away a bit, trying to find a hiding spot somewhere, anywhere, from a glaring gaze. In your retreat, you fell down to the ground, the impact hurting you more than expected. The man leaned forward and boy, he was huge! Cowering even more, you walked backwards until you made contact with something else.

"What the fuck." You muttered, looking up fearfully until the man's laughter filled the air boisterously. White fur blocked your view suddenly from the man on top of the big couch, that was similar to the one Killer owned, just bigger. A slobber of spit was dragged from your back to your head, a shriek leaving your lips in shock and anguish, before you skittered away, nails ticking the floor. Wherever you tried to hide, the giant of a dog was following close behind, the boisterous laughter of the former redhaired giant filling the room. A door opened, someone else leaving an adjacent room. Tattooed fingers plucked you from the ground, your body going slack almost immediately as you felt you were saved from one danger and being swept away into yet another dangerous situation.

"You should've said she regained consciousness, Kid-ya." The male rumbled as you hid in his nape, your breathing accelerated and your nails digging in his shirt in fear. In response, Kid merely grumbled, trying to fight his amusement from your awakening and chase by Law's dog. His fingers rubbed soothing circles on your back as he walked back into the room you had tried to flee from. Soft sniffles escaped your lips as you tried to dug deeper into a safe space. Law hummed softly, the rumbling from his chest and the rubbing of his fingers calming you down slightly. As the words finally registered into your mind, the other two bickering back and forth, your ears flicked back and forth as well and you let your gaze wander over the giant holding you, before letting it go over to the redhead.

"Uhm.." Law hummed, his fingers still rubbing into your back. "Kid..? Law..?" Both men looked at you and you pushed your upper body away from the tattooed man, looking at Law with a slight distance. Only now you noticed the (h/c) paws resting against Law's collarbone, your eyes growing wide. Your head was whipped around to let your eyes roam over the rest over your body, realising you had indeed turned into a cat as well. Your lips opened to form a tiny 'o', your tail swishing in distaste as you frowned at your smaller body. "Seriously.." You murmured. "I'm a high maintenance cat?"

Kid roared with laughter as that was your first words as a cat and Law sighed, annoyance already radiating from the poor man.

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now