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A couple of days had passed by now after a certain Vergo-person had broken Ace's window. Sitting in the window, you looked outside to the grey sky. Clouds had covered the light blue from this morning by now and small droplets of water patted against the glass. As the water slid down like small rivers, a door somewhere behind you opened with a soft creak before pitter patter on the floor alerted you to a new presence. The ball of fur jumped up and nails crept in your thigh slowly before the cat was seated on top of your lap. You have been getting used to their sharp nails by now and as sharp the pain would be, you weren't really bothered by it anymore. Without thinking, you started caressing the cat that started purring immediately upon your touch. "You look lonely." You only hummed at his statement and leaned your head against the cold glass.

"More like sad, to be honest." You whispered, your eyes trailing the path one droplet created. The cat hummed, its paw raised to boop your chest like he always did, but thought better about it. Soon, his silver eyes left your figure and watched the outside world together with you. "Where's Bepo?" You wondered. Rain picked up and pelted down the barrier between you and the world over there. Law hummed and looked back up at you, noticing your far-off stare before answering.

"He's bothering Kid-ya and Heat-ya, I guess. I left them behind in some room." He shrugged, not really caring about them at all. The door creaked once more and Law perked up at the sound as he turned his head towards the source of the noise. Loud thudding neared your silent form and soon blond strands were lost in the corner of your eyes.

"Your dog is quite bothersome, Law." Killer rumbled, leaning against the windowsill on the left side of the window, a little bit away from you. Law merely shrugged as he leaned against your stomach and his head rested against your chest. "You okay, (y/n)?" Killer's eyes peered down at you as you didn't answer him for quite a while, trying to grab your attention by waving in front of your eyes.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure, tea sounds nice." You muttered, looking up at Killer before turning back to the scenery outside. Law's head tilted up, his paw resting against your left boob to lean forward. His nose touched yours gently, his whiskers tickling your cheeks.

"(y/n)-ya.." Soon, both males frowned before Killer briskly walked off, saying nothing, and left you and Law alone. Your eyelids slid shut as your arms held the black cat in them, bringing his body closer to yours. "H-hey.." He looked at you uncertainly, not really knowing why you were acting like this as you were fine this morning. Sniffling started to dominate the other background noises of the house and Law looked up with a frown. Carefully leaning up, he nuzzled your cheek, jolting away just a little bit as he got wet by a stray tear rolling down your cheek. "Don't cry, (y/n)-ya." He muttered, butting his head against you time after time again, trying to get you to smile at him. After many tries, he simply stopped and only sighed before rubbing his cheek against your wet skin.

"I want to go home." You whispered, words muffled by the black coat of the cat. "I want my old life back." At that, Law stopped moving and frowned deeply, only now understanding what made you so down. If he remembered correctly, he and Kid had intruded your house, been eating from your well-deserved money, leaving barely enough for you to live from, and took most of your time to sleep with their whining. It made him feel bad, for as far a cat could feel that way. It wasn't his fault, he thought. If only he wasn't made a cat by Doflamingo, this wouldn't have happened. You would be happy, returning to your studies and graduating in no time. Now, he had heard you had to quit to take care of the two of them along the way, had been hurt and had to leave your home because of the man going after them, Vergo.

Silently, Law slipped from your grasp and left the room with only one last glance back at your depressed form. His feet soon padded him away, leaving you alone and in complete silence save for your hushed hick-ups and sobbing.

Soon, the door burst open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. Jumping a bit in your place, you looked up to the doorway with a shocked expression. In the doorway stood a dishevelled Ace, his arms wide after slamming the door open, his face serious as his eyes roamed the room before stopping at your place at the window. With quick strides, he was standing next to you and his arms wrapped around your smaller form. "Hey, it's alright." He tried to hush you, wiping away the tears as he leaned back just a little bit.

Looking up at him, you willed your upcoming tears back. "I just want my life back. I feel like I'm being lived instead living." You muttered, feeling slightly better after saying it before guilt washed over you.

"You could leave the cats behind.." Ace started, looking your face over before hiding it in his muscled shoulder.

"No, I don't want that." You muttered, clutching to his shirt. "I just don't want to feel hunted anymore." Ace hummed at that, caressing your head slowly, his fingers waving through your hair. "I hate it."

"I know." He murmered. "I prefer to be at home, too. Even when Luffy invites himself and eats all my food." He laughed, making you laugh with him just a little.

"Yeah, he tends to do that." You chuckled, nuzzling in his shirt before resting your chin on his shoulder, eyes closed and a soft smile adorning your face. Upon opening your eyes seconds later, you saw two small cats in the doorway. The both of them frowned a little before noticing you looked at them. Kid stepped forward, lips parting to say something, but Law's tail wrapped around his and shook his head at him before walking away again, his ears low. Your brows furrowed together as you looked at the redfurred cat who looked back and forth from Law to you, deciding where to go. He, too, turned around and walked away, not looking back even once. Your smile fell at that and you quickly hid your face in Ace's neck.

"Everything will turn out fine." Ace whispered, tugging you with him on the ground to hug you easier. You sat on his lap, straddling his hips like you had done frequently in a time that felt so long ago. His arms wrapped around you tighter, maybe frightened you'd leave him sitting there. "It will all be fine."

Law x Reader x Kid Catproblems AUWhere stories live. Discover now